flashbacks - epilogue

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hey guys! the reason this has taken so long is because i was deliberating whether or not to add an extra bit. but after the series finale, and after that beautiful scene, i have to include it. enjoy! i love you all so so much. xosarah

five years later-

ambulance sirens screeched, and lights were flashing everywhere. police tape was put around the bridge and all the spectators were told to go home. but most of them were still huddled together, faces stricken with fear and disbelief at what they had just watched happen. jace was completely inconsolable, he was crying that hard that he'd thrown up a few times, and he'd also collapsed. he was sitting on the ground, looking almost as lifeless as alec.
magnus couldn't move. his feet were glued to the ground where he stood. he was terrified. he felt himself losing breath, like alec's life leaving him was taking his life away too. his lungs felt like they were filling with water. he couldn't breathe, move, or cry out for help. anxiety caused him to finally cave in, collapsing to the ground screaming and crying and retching. his stomach and chest were so tight he felt he was going to explode.
he could hear someone calling out for him.
he didn't want to answer.
he couldn't answer.


he sat up abruptly, bedsheets sticking to his body. he was breathless, and his face was wet with what were probably tears.
"hey hey baby it's okay, i got you. i'm here. it's okay. that was just another stupid nightmare. come here."
magnus's breath was still shaking, but he shifted himself back down and into alec's arms.
it was five years since alec had almost died.
it was also five years since alec had vowed to never do it again, and had properly restarted therapy.
"i love you, babe. don't worry. you're okay and so am i."
these nights happened less often now, but magnus had been feeling extremely anxious recently and they usually accompanied that.
why was he so anxious?
well he was getting married, of course.

he looked straight into alec's gorgeous piercing blue eyes.
"i love you. i love you so, so much. i really can't wait for tomorrow. it'll help me to really put that behind. seeing you stand in front of me as i officially call you mine...i can't even imagine how it'll feel. after everything we've been through together."
alec planted a soft, loving kiss on magnus's forehead.
"i'm not great at languages, but i've put a little surprise for you in my vows. i think you'll really like it. i've even learnt how to pronounce it, just for you."
magnus wanted to say something snarky, but instead he just smiled.

"we should probably get back to sleep. i don't imagine we'll be doing much of that tomorrow night."


alec stood, looking at himself in the mirror as he fixed his tie. he couldn't believe this was happening. all these years, he'd thought it impossible for anyone to love him. and yet, here he was, marrying a man who had changed his entire world.

alec thought back to the night he had indirectly proposed, and then to when magnus actually did propose. it was funny.

"hey man! less than ten minutes to go! ya nervous?!" jace said, putting his hands on alec's shoulders.
jace and clary had married two years ago. they had an 18 month old son, and baby no.2 was on its way. isabelle was engaged to her boyfriend simon, and she had a three year old daughter.
"a little, but i'll be fine. i just -i guess i can't help feeling bad that mom and dad aren't here."
jace sighed. of course alec would say that.

of course he would ruin the surprise.

you see, a few months back when alec had mentioned he was ready to try and have a relationship with his parents again, jace had helped. by contacting them both on his behalf. he had told them everything, and they in turn had apologised and said that they felt awful for what they did. alec had passed on his forgiveness, and jace couldn't help but smile when he remembered maryse's voice going shaky when she heard the truth. she was elated, as was their father robert.

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