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wednesday, 29th september, 13:43:

i feel bad for running off the way i did, but i had to. i just had to get away from him. i'll probably see him later again, but i need a break for an hour or five. i know i'm still crying, but i don't care. i need to be alone.

"hey! watch yourse- wait, are you ok?"
i realise i must've walked into someone. i look up and see a very pretty young man looking at me.
"haha, yeah. just -friend issues, yknow?"
i stand and look at him more carefully.
he's blonde, he's kinda tall, he's got these tawny brown eyes, the girl with him is very short and has red hair.
"hey, are you by any chance called jace?"
might-be-jace looks at me surprised. "yes... how do you know that?!"

"well, i'm your adoptive brother's next door neighbour."
jace looks startled. "alec?"
"yes! i presume this is clary?" i say, gesturing to his girlfriend.
the girl nods. "yes, i'm clary!"
"but...i don't get it...alec never talks to anyone..."
i laugh nervously. "well you see, he always leaves his apartment in the middle of the night and i was worried about him so i thought last night i would talk to him. he stayed the night, but in the morning he had a breakdown. so i took him out, but then we...argued over him getting help because of something that he said. it upset me, and so i ran off crying. i feel bad now, because i have no idea where he is."

jace looks at me with sympathy. he's very attractive, but not in alec's delicate and gentle way. he really jumps out at you.
"i get you. he's been like that for years now. it's really horrible watching him like that. he'll probably be at his apartment, so we can go back."
i'm glad that i found someone to help out.
"thanks for helping me."
"hey, trust me, i know what he's like.

it's too dangerous to leave him alone for too long when he's in a mood like that."

numb // malecWhere stories live. Discover now