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wednesday, 29th september, 21:00:

about 25 minutes later, we're walking to a small pizza place. alec has his arms around my waist and is gripping very tightly.

probably to stop himself from falling apart.

i'm trying to return the grip, with an arm around him. he seems to know where we're going. he did say this was his favourite place to go, and the people there were lovely.

"oh!! oh this is it!!" alec exclaims pexcitedly, pulling on my arm and pushing the door open.
it's a cute little place. it has a few tables, and at one of them there looks to be a young boy of about alec's age.
he smiles and waves at alec. alec smiles back.

"i thought you said you didn't have friends?"
he blushes. "he's kinda like me, in the sense that he used to be broken, but instead of doing what i'm doing he's getting help now. i guess we have some sort of affirmity?"

the boy approaches us. he quickly shakes alec's hand, and then mine. i notice that he's not looking directly at us. he isn't making eye contact with either of us. his hair is a dark, fluffy mess, and from what i can see of his eyes they're...grey?
on closer inspection he's also definitely slightly younger than alec. maybe fifteen? he also has headphones wrapped around his neck.

"hey, alec!" he says softly. he takes something out of his hoodie pocket. it seems to be something like a mass of pipe cleaners?
"hey. i'm really sorry about the new person here. i know you don't like sudden things, or seeing new people without warning."
the boy stutters. "n-no it's ok! is this -is he your boyfriend?"
alec blushes again. "uh, i-i don't know."
"yes," i say, gripping his hand quickly.
"well i guess i better introduce myself, right? i'm magnus, i'm nineteen, and i'm originally from indonesia. i'm also half-dutch."
the boy's eyes light up. "are there lots of animals in indonesia? i've always wanted to visit there. it sounds beautiful."
i smile at how excited he is. "i haven't been back since i was ten, since i don't really have great memories of my family. but yes, it really is beautiful."

the boy opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. then he reopens his mouth.
"oh, i almost forgot to introduce myself! i'm ty. i'm fifteen. i have five siblings. i used to have six, actually. the sixth one was my twin, livvy. she...was killed. stabbed through the heart by some woman who turned out to be related to us."
"you also may have noticed that i'm not acting really like a typical person does," ty continues,"that's because i have autism. i got told by my oldest brother julian, because our parents were killed as well when i was young. alec here is really the only person who treats me like a normal human being. my older siblings always try to protect me, as if i can't do anything by myself."
i feel sorry for ty. i know what it feels like to be treated like you're not normal.
"if you don't mind me asking, what are your siblings' names?"
"julian, mark, helen, tavvy, dru, and livvy. three brothers, three sisters. well, two living sisters," ty says, with a tone that clearly suggests he doesn't want to linger on that subject much longer.

alec smiles all of a sudden.
"how's kit?"
ty blushes furiously. "i-i don't know what you mean- we- i- i mean w-we're just friends," ty stutters out. now it's my turn to smile too. clearly, ty has a crush on whoever kit is.
"hmm," alec replies. "sure you are."
"i -i don't-"
just then, a young boy of about ty's age rushes in. he has messy blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes. he's quite tall. he looks familiar...
"hey ty!" he says, going to grab his hand, but stopping when he sees me.
"oh hey alec! who's this?"
"this is magnus, my -my boyfriend. oh, magnus, this is kit! you remember jace from earlier, right? this is his cousin. and ty here is his boyfriend, isn't that right, tiberius?"
kit looks confused. "why are you saying it like that? of course i am! ty-ty, what did you say?!"
alec cracks up at ty-ty.
ty doesn't seem just as happy.
"kit, do not call me that."
"why? it's adorable!"
ty tries to look at him angrily, but ends up smiling and hugging him.

"i think," kit begins, "that ty is still in shock he's got a boyfriend as gorgeous and amazing as me. hence why he says he doesn't have one, because he doesn't believe it."
i snicker. "modest much?"
kit smirks. "runs in the family."

alec announces that if he doesn't get food soon he's going to end himself, so
i ask everyone's orders and go up to get them.
when i return with my hands full on trays and plates, the trio still haven't sat down.
"why aren't you guys sitting yet?"
kit replies.
"dear magnus, you should know that us gays cannot sit."

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