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wednesday, 29th september, 20:34:

i wake up in magnus's arms. we had an unplanned nap for like, four hours. but to be fair, we both needed it. after all, the day had been wild.
i want him to wake up, mainly because i'm hungry and neither of us have eaten much today. so of course i go for the stereotypical adorable shit and kiss him lightly on the lips to see what happens.

he doesn't open his eyes, but he does kiss back. he cups my face with one hand, holding me with the other. he has such a soft, gentle way about him.
i'm first to break, nestling my head in the crook of his neck.
"can we get food, please? i kinda want pizza, and neither of us has eaten much today."
"excuse me?! i should be a snack enough, thank you very much. i'm a goddamn full course MEAL," magnus says, sounding genuinely serious. i giggle.

"i'm not gonna eat you yet, magnus. i mean come on, we only made it official several hours ago."
at that he chokes.
guess he didn't take me for the type of person to make sexual jokes then, huh.

sorry for this being so short, i just  really wanted to get something out lol.
i got my braces off today but my retainers are low-key giving me hell oop
also school is a shite head it can go suck my lefty
as well as that my crush is now single fat Woop (she's happy about it tho dw i'm not that much of an asshole)

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