{Chapter 5}

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~~Meeting the brat~~

The ride finally came to a stop and Shay was feeling tired and exhausted after the tragic day she had. She looked up on the gorgeous white mansion in front of her and slowly exit the car.

"Thank you Mr Hyin" she said remembering she didn't thank him for saving her back at the park.

"It was the least I could do" he muttered turning the doorknob.

He opened the door and walked in, Shay followed behind him but stood by the door waiting on him to instruct her. She noticed he was moody and he didn't smile much, he storm up the stairs without saying a word. Shay was still standing in less than five minutes he was back down the stairs.

"Seems like you'll be meeting Sun Hi tomorrow she's already a sleep" he told her and she nodd with a smile.

"Since its late I'll just show you to the room you'll be staying and we'll talk in my office first thing in the morning" he stated

"Yes sir" she answered softly

Without another word he walked off down the hallway and she slowly followed. He stopped at a white door and pushed it open ushering her in.

"This is it" he said

"Thanks you" Shay said walking in.

The room was satisfying, It held a queen sized bed, a small cozy sofa with two bedside table with night lights on both side. A small plasma TV and adjoining bathroom. She was relief she had somewhere comfortable to sleep without thinking of her evil uncle sneaking into her room.

She remembered about Skai and tears filled her eyes, she wanted to called her but she had no phone. She walked to the bathroom and strip her clothes off, the tears fell from her eyes when she saw the marks in her back that she got from the electric cord Louise beat her with.

She slide in the tub of warm water trying to block out every bad memories in her past. This is a fresh start for her and she need to get Skai away from them soon.


Following morning Shay twisted and turned in bed, the sun lights shine in her eyes causing her to groaned. Her eyes caught the time on the clock and it was 8:23am.

Oh no!! Shit! Shit!

She grumbled springing off the bed, it didn't take her a lot of time to take a shower and simple let her hair down. She roam through her small bag with clothes and barely could find anything suitable for her first day.

She put on a dark blue skirt that reaches at her knees with a white dressing blouse and her only pair of black flat shoes. She made her bed in a flash and walked out to the door.

"Good morning dear" she heard from the kitchen.

She stepped back and saw Patrice doing some dishes.

"Good morning, I need to get to Mr Hyin office and I'm late" Shay said in a haste.

"Ok dear I'll see you around" she said continuing her chores.

"Hmmm Patrice.... Would you mind directing me?" Shay said softly.

"Sure" Patrice replied drying her hands.

As soon a shay reached the office door she could here loud talking, she took a deep breath before knocking on the door slightly.

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