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Four years later...

"Ok you two its time to get out of the water" I told my two little angels.

"Mom a little longer please" Theresa whined

"Yes mom pretty please" Keresa followed.

I gave birth to twin three years ago, Leon was very much excited when I got pregnant but was more excited when he heard it would be twin. They are out joy and pride, they are two beautiful girls.

They both look more Korean like their dad and aunt Sun Hi, they both had tall back hair and dark brown eyes. They were very beautiful and identical twins, Theresa had a beauty spot at the center of her neck while Keresa has  hers on the left side of her neck.

It was their first day of preschool but they were giving me trouble so they wouldn't go. They have been in the bath for almost an hour and still they were crying not to come out.

"You guys have to go to school, you'll meet new friends there and play with lots of dolls" I said trying to cheered them up.

"Really! They both had on a bright smile.

" yes really so hurry and get ready so you could go " I said cheerfully.

They agreed and I was so relieved, I dress them in matching clothes. They bother wear a rose pink dress with black slippers. I did their hair in neat ponytail and lead them to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning Patrice"

"Good morning aunt Patrice" the twin's both said.

"Good morning to my two favorite babies in the world" Patrice said childish

"We are not babies anymore---

" we are big girls going to school today and meet lots of new friends and play with dolls" Theresa finish off what keresa was saying.

Patrice mouth made and 'o' shape and she smile putting them one by one around the table. She serve the strawberry pancake with syrup and hot chocolate.

I left the kitchen so they could eat up while I get ready to go to the office. I now know everything about my dad company and how to manage it extremely well. Walters thought me everything and now they're making more profit than when they were in Louise hands.

"Leon! Get up!" I semi shouted when I saw him still in bed.

I woke him up a hour ago when I was going to prepare the twin's for school. Leon growled and wrapped the sheet over his head blocking out every word I was saying.

"Babe you'll be Late for the office if you don't wake up now" I told him gentle massaging his shoulder.

"Uhmm" he moan in his sleep.

"Aren't your gonna wake up now?" I whispered in his ears. I pressed my lips to his neck and rubbing my hands down his back.

"F**K baby, you're causing trouble" he groaned rubbing his hands over his shaft.

"Oh yea, why not join me in the shower" I whisper bitting on my bottom lips and walking to the bathroom.

Within three second Leon was in the bathroom pinning me against the wall and slamming his lips on me. I tugged on his hair causing him to moaned, he shift and place me on the the bathroom sink and ripped my night groaned off.

This is like the tenth night grown he has damaged in his wild state.

"I love you baby" he whispered in my ears. My body still shiver under his touch and sweet words he whispered to my ears.

The Life Of Shay Valentine(unedited)Where stories live. Discover now