{Chapter 39}

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A/N: just letting you guys know that I have no idea of how prison life is so bare in mind when you read this OK. Its all imaginary and based on what I saw in movie or heard.

Please enjoy....

**You have a visitor**

The guard lead Shay down to a metal door, he pushed it opened letting her in. Shay eyes teared up when she saw her most favourite person in the world. She wanted to ran right into his arms but she was in cuffs.

Leon watched as the love of his life slowly walked toward him with the guard held on to one of her hands leading her to the table he was sitting. The sight of her was terrible, tears rolling down her cheeks, her messy hair hanging all over her face and those Grey baggy  prison suit she was wearing.

"Twenty minutes" the guards announced breaking Leon thought.

He glared at the guard from the corner of his eyes while staring at Shay who was crying. She hated how Leon have to see her like this.

"Hey how are you?" Leon asked removing the hair from her face.

"No touching!" The guard yelled out causing Leon to shoot him a death glare.

"Baby why were you at his House?" Leon asked keeping his voice low.

"I- got a called from John saying he want to help me fight Louise in court. He said he as the original copy of my father's will along with the truth about my parents dead....

" Why didn't you say something to me? They have a lot of evidence that leads to you Shay " he said worried.

"I didn't do it Leon please help me get out of here" she cried silently.

"Eight minutes!" The guard shouted interrupting them.

Leon was irritated by his voice and his presence there, he looked at him deadly before turning his eyes back on Shay.

"I'll try everything to get you out of here baby, I need you to come back home I can't sleep, I can't....

" Baby I'm sorry, I'm sorry my problems are affecting you" Shay said sobbing quietly.

" Don't say that baby, we are in this together and  We'll get through this babe, I promise you" Leon assured her.

"Four minutes!" The guard yelled out.

"How are Skai and Sun Hi and Patrice?" She said forcing a small smile.

"They are worried about you, we need you home.... Baby I love you" Leon said weakly.

The time up so quickly, Shay was terrified that Leon had to go. She wish he didn't, the annoying guard walked over to them informing them that the time as up. Leon wanted to hold her so badly but they guard pulled her away.

"I love you" Shay yelled out.


"Leon stop!" Shay giggled

"I'll Stop when you Start singing" Leon said tickling her.

Shay was trying to wiggled out of Leon arms, he was tickling her and she was giggling away. Leon told her to sing for him and she refused to so she was getting punishment.

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