{Chapter 25}

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**Bumping in an old friend**

Sorry if I'm confusing anyone by writing this in Shay POV. I want to rotate a little so Please enjoy.

Shay POV.

My head feel like its gonna explode. Could my life be any harder? Why do I have to get the two hardest exam in the same week? Accounts and mathematics..

I've just done my mathematics exam and jeeze! It was a challenge, I stood up all night practicing and reading over notes. Study wasn't always this difficult for me but since I have a lot on my head, I just can't concentrate on my studies.

I walked out of the exam room packing my things in my bags, I can't wait to go sleep this headache off. I was so focus stuffing my things in my bag, I felt my head jerk along with my body. The pain in my head increase causing my eyes to shut tightly.

"Are you blind or something?" A female voice said angrily

"No I'm sorry I wasn't---

" Shay! Shay Valentine is that you?" She chirped cutting me off

"Tasha!" I said surprised.

I haven't seen any of my friends since I stopped attending college. Tasha was the first friend who I met, she was my roommate. She had chocolate complexion, tall black hair well weave but you couldn't tell it is unless you're really good. She was a tough black girl, she'll curse you out if you messed with her but she had a really sweet side.

"How have you been girl? I haven't seen you like in ages, what happened?" She said giving me a bear hug.

"There's alot been going on since my parents past on" I told her sadly remembering that day.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry I heard but then no one could get through to you.... You just stopped coming to school and everyone was worried" she said pulling away.

I smile weakly as I remembered what a messed my life became after I loose my parents. Tears threatened to come out but I strongly fight them back.

"There's this cafe across from here, we can talk there... That have some delicious pineapple muffins and chocolate smoothie" Tasha said amusingly

"Yea sure" I beamed

I can't remember the last time I have an chocolate smoothie, oh god! Just the thought of it making my mouth watery.

It didn't took us long to get there and to tell the truth the chocolate smoothie ease my headache. It taste so new yet delicious in my mouth. I sip on it not wanting it to finished while I told tasha about my life but not the whole details that you guys know.

"Damn girl you're uncle is the devil himself.... How could he stopped you from your study?" She said upsetting.

"Yes he is but enough about me, what are you doing here?" I said changing the subject.

"I got pregnant and dropped out of college" she said sipping on her smoothie. "The bastard that got me pregnant, left me when I told him and I of to struggled  with my son with my mom's help" she said sadly

"Oh my! I'm so sorry to hear that tasha" I said comforting

"Nah! It's all good now my Mom was disappointed but she was there right through.... Now she taking care of my son while I work on go back to college" she said proudly.

"That's great... So what about Shenelle and Chevelle?" I asked.

Shenelle and Chevelle was also my friends in college, they were identical twin, it was really hard to tell them apart but Shenelle had a beautiful spot on her nose so that told the difference. I lost contact with them. Tasha told me they moved to San Francisco a year ago.

My eyes scanned over my phone and I was surprised how fast the time ran off. Oh shit! Nate will be picking me up in two hour, I almost forgot about that date.

"I have to go, here's my number call me" I said punching my number in to her phone. I gave her a quick hug and head off to the bus stop.

I got home in fifteen minutes and rushed inside the house, I closed the door and spun around bumping into some one again.

Jeeze! Not again....

"Can't you watched where you are going!" The voice barked At me.

I looked up seeing it was London dressed nicely in a black and gold dress close behind her was Leon staring at me. I quickly took my eyes from him but I could still feel his eyes on me.

"I'm sorry" I muttered

"You're sorry! You bumped into me with your sweaty disgusting self and all you said is sorry!" She roared.

What the? Why is this cocky bitch overreacting and how dare she talked about me like that. Her dress isn't ruined so I don't see why being dramatic.

"I'm sorry---

" London nothing is wrong with your dress, can we go now" Leon said cutting me off.

"I need to change her sweat is all over my dress" she whined like a spoil brat.

"Fine! Drive yourself when you're through" he said upsetting walking through the door.

"Leon!" She called running after him.

Thank god they are out of my sight, I quickly walked to my room and head to the shower first. After a quick shower I roam through my closet looking something fancy to wear.

After ten minutes of searching I couldn't find anything nice to wear. It's getting late on Nate would be here anytime soon, how do I tell him I can't go at the last minute.

"Hey, are you OK?" I heard Sun Hi voice.

"Hi, I'm good" I said weakly smiling

"Did an hurricane past through your closet?" She chuckled.

I stared at the messed I made in my closet and heaved a sigh.

" That would be me" I said with another Sigh.

"What is it?" She asked

"I have this... Date--

" What! You have a date?" She asked surprisingly.

"Yeah... He'll be here in less than an hour and I can't find anything nice to wear" I told her.

Maybe this date isn't meant to be but I don't want to hurt Nate feelings. He's a really nice guy but I just not feeling anything for the good guy but yet my heart calling out for the bad guy Leon.

"I can help you get dressed, I'll be right back" Sun Hi beamed and skipped out of my room.

In couple minutes she head back in with a lavender color dress and a pair of black stilettos. She place them on the bed and I gave her a question look.

"These would look perfect on you" she said smiling

"Sun Hi I'm not wearing your clothes" I warned.

"They are not mine" she said and I narrowed my eyes at her. " OK fine they are but I haven't wear them since I bought them besides I don't like how the dress fit on me " she explained.

"Sun Hi I--

" Please just wear them" she pout with her puppy eye's.

"Ok fine but you didn't h--

" great let me style you're hair for you and don't worry I am really good at this... When it comes to fashion you call Sun Hi " she said smiling.

I couldn't help but laugh at her behavior, she started on my hair first... She gave me a side part and curl my hair letting in down after that, she started with my make up.

Just as she apply the foundation to my face the door bell rang.


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