{Chapter 30}

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**New Home... New Room**

The drive home was quiet after Skai told them what happened. It happened that Louise was bossing Skai around to called Shay to meet up with her so he could get to Shay.

When Skai refused to do as he asked he hit her across her face and yanked her by her hair, pulling her to the basement for punishment. Skai told them she reached for her scissors in her waist and stabbed him in his leg.

She ran as soon as he released her, Tears fill Shay eyes as Skai told her what happened. She want Louise to suffer for all he has done. Leon Pulled up in the driveway and they all exit the car and head Inside the house.

"Wow! You have a beautiful home Leon" Skai gasped looking how neat and clean is home was.

"Thank you from now on you can consider it as your new room" he told her staring at Shay.

Shay stared at him with her eyes wide open, she wasn't expecting him to allowed her to stay there.

"Really I don't get to go back to the devil!" Skai exclaimed

"Nope this is now your home" Leon told her smiling at Shay expression.

"Leon I didn't know you were running a shelter for the homeless" London said walking to where they were.

"Excuse me! Who are you calling homeless queen of ugly?" Skai rudely said throwing her hands on her hips.

"How dare you call me names you li--

" What you gonna do about it cruella de vil?" Skai rudely said again.

Shay and Leon exchanged a look trying to hide their laughter, Shay knew her sister was feisty. She wasn't that soft as Shay, she was someone who stand up for herself... She wonder how she got bullied in school.

"Leon are you hearing this?" London gruffed

"Leon are you hearing this" Skai mimicked her.

"Ok Skai enough" Shay said removing Skai from infront of London.

Shay didn't like conflict, she always staying for from it but she thought London was really going to far. She was mean and cocky, sure she had money and all but Shay is used to expensive things and money too.

"Did you hear her calling us homeless?" Skai grumbled as Shay leads her to the kitchen.

"Yes but fighting isn't always the answer Skai" Shay scolded her.

"She was rude... I wonder how you are always this soft and sweet" Skai mumbled

"I wonder how you are so fiery and still got bullied at school" Shay said to her.

"First of all those girls were older than me and secondly they came from the hoods but when I couldn't took their bullying any more.... I stood up for myself and told them to back the hell up and they never bully me again" Skai stated.

Shay was amused by the way she stood up for herself with those bullies. She was brave to stabbed Louise and Shay thought she should be more like skai to fight Louise in court. Even though she's scared to death when she sees him but she's willing to try as Walters said.

"Are you hungry?" Shay asked

"Yes I'm sure am hungry, where is Patrice?" Sun Hi miserable said walking in the kitchen.

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