{Chapter 10}

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"Come on god dammit!" Leon scoffed in the elevator.

He checked his time frequently as he go up, the meeting is in a few minutes and he wanted to go finished up his speech.


Leon stepped out of the elevator and hurried to his office. He checked the time again and its was 10:01am, fourteen more minutes for the meeting to start.

"Good morning Mr Hyin" his PA greets.

He didn't replied just head to his office and throw his briefcase on the desk. He quickly pulled out his laptop, he sigh knowing he didn't have to waist anytime put in the password because it was already on.

He froze reading through the speech on the screen, he realized he didn't write that speech. He read through it and  it was OK to him but he wanted to finished his. A knocked on his office door disturb him and he scoffed telling the person to come In.

"Good morning Mr Hyin" his PA Katherine said smiling.

"What is it?" He said rudely

"The meeting is in five minutes" she told him.

"You can leave now" he said focussing on his work.

He knew he couldn't finished In five minutes so he decided to go with the one that Shay did. He knew it was her but he didn't want to admit it that it was extremely good.

The meeting went great and he got good comments about the speech he gave. He was feeling good about it but he didn't know why she would spend time doing that for him after how he treat her.


Patrice and Shay did a really good job today, they clean every inch of this house and prepare sandwiches and cheese cake for Mr Hyin and his friends.

"How did you learn to bake this good?" Patrice asked Shay as she took the cheese cake from the over.

"My mom, she use to bake a lot and she would called Skai and I and teach us when ever she did" Shay told her remember those days.

Flash back*

It was almost close to Christmas and Shay mom would bake alot of cake and give them out for gift. Shay and Skai was excited about Christmas it was their favorite time of the year.

Their mom and dad would get them presents, they would decorated the Christmas tree together, they would have Christmas dinner with families and count down on new years eve.

"Shay! Skai!" Their mom called

"Yes mom" Skai answered, Shay followed behind her in the kitchen.

"Put these on" she said handing them aprons and baker's hats.

"You two are going to help me bake cake, so Shay gather the ingredients we have alot of cake to bake." She told them.

Shay did as her mom said and  they spend an entire day laughing, talking and baking. At the end everything turned out great and each  time their mom bake the two sister would be happy to volunteer.

*end of flashback*

Shay smile at her memory but soon her smile fade away and she started to cry. She missed her parents, she will never bake with her mom again.

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