{Chapter 31}

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**Getting to know you**

"Are you sure you'll be OK to sleep alone on your first night here?" Shay asked Skai

"For the last time I am perfectly fine, now go on to your master bedroom" Skai teased batting her lashes.

"Skai stop! It's not funny" Shay warned.

"You're acting like a big baby, aren't you twenty one years old?" Skai  rhetorically asked rolling her eyes.

Shay was hoping Skai would begged her to sleep with her so she wouldn't have to go to Leon's room. Even though she agreed she was still feeling scared and nervous since she's totally new to this.

"What are you saying?" Shay asked.

"I'm saying get out of your shell and live a little and stop having second thoughts about Leon.... And please don't tell me your not because I can see it, be free for once in your life, go experience love and the happily life.... Leon is the best thing happened to you since we lost mom and dad, so be appreciated" Skai told her.

"Ooook.... Remind me how old are you again?" Shay questioned because her little sister gave advice as a adult would.

Skai rolled her eyes annoyed "Can you go now? I need to rest" Skai said shooing her out.

"Ok so this is the treatment I get after not seeing you so long?" Shay frowned.

"I love you sis but I'm tired the bed needs me" Skai childishly said.

"Ok goodnight love you too" Shay said kissing her forehead.

Skai closed the door as Shay left and she went straight to bed. Shay slowly walked up to her knew room and quietly push the door open. She smile in relief when she noticed Leon wasnt inside. Shay only as been to his room five times since she was here and it was because Patrice force her to go clean it.

She loved the fresh scent of his room, his king size bed was neatly made with four fluffy pillows on it. Her eyes travelled down his shelf with lots of books on it. She took the time admiring everything in the room and was amused.

Shay went to the adjoining bathroom so she could took her shower before he got in.


Leon was getting ready to left his office when London walked in, she slammed the door shut and March Over to Leon madly.

"Why are you still here? The charity ball is over" Leon said bothered.

"So this is how you're gonna treat me for some homeless, broke---

" Don't you dare called her names " Leon snarled pointing on her.

London laughed dramatically " so you do have feelings for her? After all I did for you and your hotel... You're just gonna treat me like this! She yelled.

"I'm telling you for the last time get out of my house.... We will only speak when its about business" Leon gruffed.

Leon was irritated by her attitude and the way she talked about Shay. He never gave her any idea that they would be together, he took her as his sister but London want to be more than that.

"Business huh? Well I'm done! I won't waist any more of my precious time dealing with your stupid companies!" She shouted.

"What did you just say?" Leon said glaring at her.

"I'm not managing your hotels unless you get that nanny girl out of your life and be with me.... You know you can't do without me so its either me or her.... Your choice" she said seriously.

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