{Chapter 24}

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**Be my date**

It's been three days since Shay been avoiding Leon for what he said. He on the other side knew she was upset and its killing him to have her avoiding him because he thought he needed London more.

(Just for his business) but is heart is telling him  something different, Shay Valentine.

"Good morning Patrice" Shay greets as she  linger into the kitchen.

She haven't been sleeping at night, up thinking about Leon on not getting enough sleep.

"Good morning to you, there's Mr Hyin coffee" Patrice told her sipping on some tea.

"Why showing Me?" Shay asked with attitude.

"Because he said you should bring it to him" Patrice said back with attitude.

"Why me?" Shay asked

"I don't know... Why don't you tell me?" Patrice asked placing her cup down.

Even though Shay as told Patrice most things that happened in her  life, she didn't want to tell her about what happened between her and Leon.

Patrice place her hand on her hips and staring at Shay with a 'I'm waiting' look. After what Leon told London, Shay didn't wish to let anyone know they kissed or been spending time together.

"So?" Patrice said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"So what? I have nothing to tell" Shay said strongly

"Hmmmhmm" Patrice replied glaring at her.

"What?" Shay asked

"Nothing Mr Hyin doesn't like his coffee cold" Patrice muttered

She walked out of the kitchen and Shay Sigh heavily staring on the coffee infront of her. She tried hard to avoid him and now she as to see him.

Shay carefully picked up the still  hot coffee and walked down to his office. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in" she heard his voice said.

Shay turned the door knob and let herself in, carefully holding the coffee so it didn't spill on her. Her eyes locked instantly with Leon and Shay quickly looked away while walking to his desk.

"Good morning sir, your coffee" she muttered more to herself placing the coffee on the table.

"Sir?" Leon questioned

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to called you?" Shay asked rolling her eye's

Leon sigh getting from his desk, Shay heart started to beat fast as she saw him walking close to her. Before he could reached her she walked off to the door and he grabbed her wrist.

"I'm sorry OK.. I have reasons for what I said" he apologize

"Good for you... I have to go look on Sun Hi, remember I'm her Nanny" Shay said emphasizing on 'Nanny'.

She tried to pulled away but he wouldn't let her go and she gave up, staring at her nails as if she found them interesting.

"Just listening to what----

The door pushed opened interrupting him and he quickly let Shay go when London walked in. Shay stared at him lethal before walking out, she was furious of the way he made her feel when he saw London.

After Shay checked on Sun Hi and made sure she was off to  school, she went wondering around for Patrice.

She found her at the pool in swim wear, lying on one of the lounge pool bench with some shades on. For a thirty two years old lady, Patrice had a perfect, trim body.

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