{Chapter 37}

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Being in love is something every one would like to experience other from the pain and hurt that come from it when you fall in love for the wrong person.

As Shay experience to love, she wouldn't asked for it any better, her true love just fallen into her hands just like that and she promised to love him for ever. These past month Shay and Leon been having alot of fun in there love life. Shay could finally found herself happy as days go by but still Louise was a disease to her mind.

Being to court twice and still the case has put off until this Friday and Louise still have his hands and her dad's wealth. Her proved is thin and Walters tried all he could but there was nothing but suspicion.

Shay won't stop until she get Louise down and Leon is by her side each step of the way. Walters Has been a good help also.


unknown POV...

"Why haven't you been picking my calls?" A angry voice said walking in the office.

"What I did was wrong, I can't afford to go down with you" the other one replied

"Are you backing out on me? If I go down you're coming with me, mark my words"

"Can't you just do what's right and end this?"



Shay finished off with her make up and wiggled in her black jeans pants with that she wore a navy blue off the shoulder blouse and a pair of black vans. She looked in the mirror until she was satisfied, she head out.

"Patrice I'll be back soon" she shouted on her way out.

"Bring me back something sweet" Patrice replied loud so she could her.

"Ok" came Shay replied.

She didn't feel comfortable allowing Leon to spend money on her so she sweetly refused his offered of getting her a car. They argued about it but Shay reasoned with him saying he should get her a driver instead.

She didn't want anyone to know where she was going, so she didn't informed anyone. She took a cab instead of the hired driver to take her, in less than twenty minutes she was off the cab.

"Hope this is good"  she said to herself as she stared at the house in front of her on the quiet neighborhood. She took a deep breath and punched the doorbell, she waited nervously on the door to opened.

"Did anyone follow you?" He asked looking around.

"No I'm alone" she replied shaky.

"Ok get inside" he said hastily closing the door.

The minute Shay stepped in she regret coming alone, what if its a set  up. Leon would be extremely mad if he knew she made this decision without him.

"Do you want anything to drink" he offered

" No thanks, I'm fine" she answered honestly.

"Ok then take a seat and less get to business" he told her

Shay moved after him to the living room where she took a seat in the single sofa. He sat opposite her with some documents in his hands.

"So you said you finally want to help me so-

" There's alot you don't know Shay, your father was a good man but still I disappointed him when I took side with Louise " he said shaking his head side to side showing regrets.

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