{Chapter 40}

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Again I'm informing you guys, I've never been to court before so I'll write this base on how I saw in in movie or hear about it. So again please bare with me, lastly this is the last chapter and it will be in Shay's POV..

** freedom**

My Mind was all over the place, I kept thinking about a million things at the same time. I don't know what tomorrow might bring but I pray that God answer my prayer and free my from this place.

It's like hell in here, some of the inmates are serious trouble. I tried my best not to get in trouble but that wasn't any help they still tried making trouble with me. Thanks to Shelly and Mandy who help protect me in here.

Mandy is Shelly's friend, but she's one tough lady I've ever met. She was a gangster even myself was afraid of her but she was nice to me when Shelly introduce us.

"Hey are you sleeping?" Shelly asked.

"No I can't sleep... I'm worried about tomorrow" I weakly replied.

"There's nothing to be worrying about, you didn't do anything so they'll let you go" she assured me.

"But they have evidence, how would I escape that?" I replied

"Money do everything sweetheart... Listen your the girlfriend of a very wealthy man, I think he ca--

" No, I don't want him to do that, I don't want him bribing anyone because I didn't do it... The real killer is out there and they should find him" I said a bit angry.

As much as I want to get out of this place, I don't want Leon go spending a lot of money bribing anyone for what I didn't do. I'm going with faith and confidence, in the power of God I'll be free because he saw everything and he knew I'm innocent.

"When you get out I need a favor from you?" Shelly asked in a low tone of voice.

"What's that?" I said peeping down on her.

We were sharing an bunk bed, she was at the bottom while I was on top.

"Give this to my son, I want him to know how much I love him and missed him so much" she said broken handing me a envelope.

Shelly has a six years old son for her husband but since the incident, he son was now living with his grand mother. She didn't regret killing her husband but she regret not being in her son's life. She talked about him everyday and I could tell she was a good mother to him.

"I will make sure he get this" I said in a whispered.

"And please come back to visit Mandy and I" she said with a chuckled.

"I wouldn't forget you guys, if it wasn't for you and Mandy I'll be injured by those beast already" I was referring to those troublesome inmates...

There was silence for a while when I looked down Shelly was fast asleep. I chuckled at how she snore before lay back staring in the ceiling.

Out of every bad things there is good..... These girls were very good to me and I'll never forget them.

It was time, my heart was beating fast and I was nervous about today's out comes. I met with my lawyer earlier today and was told to keep quiet while he did all the talking. He told me I don't have to worry because I'm getting my freedom today. I was a little happy hearing those words but still I want to see it happened.

I was carried out by two officers, as I walked through the main door my eyes caught on my family and friends. My eyes filled with tears as I saw them, Leon, Skai, Sun Hi, Mr Walters and Patrice was seated in the front row while Charlie, Nate, Shayan and Mia was in the second row.

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