{Chapter 15}

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**Night mares are back**

Shay found herself laying in her bed, closing her eyes to go to sleep. The squeaking sound of her room door cause her to flicked her eye's open.

Her eyes filled with fear and agony as she saw the person walking towards her.

"It's been a while Shay" he said licking his lips.

"Leave me alone! I'll scream this place down!" She yelled.

" tsk tsk tsk stop being a little bitch, you know you want this" he said pulling down his pants.

Shay curled up in her bed with the sheet cover her body from him, he gave her a wicked smirk then joined her in bed.

He pulled the sheet away and force between her legs.

"Please! Please! Don't do this to me!" She cried begging.

"Shhh you'll love it" he grin

She started to scream and trying to fight him off but he was too strong.

"No! No! Please don't do this!" She screamed in her sleep.

She was fighting to wake from her terrifying nightmare but she couldn't wake.

Leon was coming from the kitchen with a bottle of water when he heard her screaming, he dropped the water and rushed down to her room. He saw the door was open and she was screaming and fighting in her sleep.

"Miss Valentine" he called trying to wake her.

"Stop! Please!" She continued screaming and tears running from her close eyes.

"Miss Valentine wake up" he said pulling her up.

"Leave me alone! You monster!" She screamed throwing punched on Leon.

He held her hands trying to calm her, she was still suck in her nightmare.

"Shay its just a bad dream, shhh its just a dream" he said calming her.

Her eyes finally open when she heard his voice, she hugged him when she realized he woke her from her terrible nightmares and she was still crying. This time Leon hugged her back comforting her.

He place his hands on her back gentle rubbing it up and down comforting her. His eyes stuck on her back when he saw the scares, without thinking he slide her t-shirts higher and Shay pulled away.

"Who did that do you?" He questioned

"N--no one, just a accident I had when I was smaller" she lied

"What kind of accident?" He was curious.

Shay couldn't think of anything to tell him and she wasn't gonna tell him the truth. She sigh in relief when his phone rang, he was still staring at her but be answered the call and left the room.

It's was Sunday so Shay was free, she decided to take that time to clean up her room. She need to get her mind of the nightmares she been having and she figured this will help.

She pulled out her iPhone that she recently bought and plugged in her ear piece. She scrolled through her music for one of her favorite song {Tell me you love me.... Demi lovato}.

She turned up the volume really high and place the phone in her back pocket and start singing while working.

"Oh no here we go again,
Fighting over what I said,
I'm sorry.... Yea I'm sorry
Bad at love, no, I'm not good at this,
But I'm can't say I'm innocent, not hardly.... But I'm sorry"

Shay sing aloud dusting the furniture one by one in here room and moving her hips side to side, feeling the music.

Shay was a music lover, she can sing very well and she's also an excellent dancer.

"Oh tell me you love me, I need someone, on days like this I do.. On days like this
Oh tell me you love me, I need someone, on days like this I do, on days like this" she continued singing.

Her voice sounded so great with the music, she didn't even knew how loud she was singing because she turned the volume way up. Shay enjoyed doing things while listen to music and singing along with it.

"And i hope I never see the day
That you move on and be happy without me.... Without me
Oh what's my hands, without your heart to hold
I don't know what I'm living for, if I'm living without you"

Shay was really into the music, her mind was just focussing on the music and blocking out the nightmares she been having. She rock to the music while placing her make up kit neatly on her dresser.

" all my friends they know and its true,
I don't know who I am without you
I got it bad baby, I got it bad

Oh tell me you love me, I need someone on days like this I do, on days like this.... Oh tell me you love me, I need someone one, on days like this I do, on days like this..
Oh can you hear my heart say oh oh oh oh oh... You ain't nobody til you have somebody
You ain't nobody til you have somebody...."

She was holding her hairbrush as a microphone and singing her soul out. She was enjoying her music she forgot about everything in the world and just having a good moments by herself.

She hasn't felt this free and relief in a while, she even thought she forgotten how to sing because she hadn't did in a while.

"Everything I need is standing Infront of me...."

She twirled around and froze when she saw the person standing by her door staring at her.

She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her Instantly, she was feeling so embarrassed.


Enjoy the music gentle people?

You should and please support.

You can listen to it now, its at the very top.

Tell me you love me by demi lovato and hope you guys like it like I do.

Any problems please outline it to me and no criticism.... Please be nice. .

So farewell.... See ya soon on next chapter *wink*wink*

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