{Chapter 6}

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~~Ooops! He's mad~~~

Three weeks later...

Sun Hi been giving Shay a hard time since the past three weeks, she felt like knocking her brains out and quit but she really need the Job.

Thank god her uncle haven't find out where she is yet but she spoke with Skai and silvia time to time. She collected her three weeks paid cheque and send some money to Skai and paid back Miriam.

She bought a ton loads of clothing on reasonable prices, she by some makeup, shoes and her personal stuff that can last of two months. Now she's saving to get herself a phone and a laptop she applied to do online studies.

"Mine talking Mr Hyin coffee to his  office before he left?" Patrice asked Shay

"No prob" she replied

Shay carefully picked up the warm coffee and walked down to Mr Hyin office. She tried not to let it spilled when using one hand knocking on his office door.

"Come in" his voice was barely heard.

Shay let herself in and saw he was busy working, she noticed how he's always working and never taken a rest. Sometimes she felt sorry for him when she saw him fell asleep over his laptop.

Patrice told her about the many businesses he had to manage alone and he recently lost his mom and his dad past away years ago.

"Good morning sir, I brought your coffee" she said sweetly

"Just leave it there" he said referring to the table.

Shay carefully put the coffee down and staring at how hard he was at work. She barely ever made conversation with him since she's there because she was afraid of his grumpy he his all the time.

"Miss Valentine is there something else?" He asked annoyed...

"Huh? Not at all sir, you can just call me Shay instead of---

" Are you giving me orders now?" He said glaring at her.

"N--no sir just saying instead of Miss Valentine, you could just say Shay since its more shorter and---- she pause when she saw him narrowing his eyes at her.

"Ok I think I should leave" she said softly point to the door.

She felt his eyes burning through her as she walked out, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and quickly made it back to the kitchen. Her mood change  when she realized she had to go check on the brat if she's all ready for school.

Shay made her way up the stairs and walked down the hallway to Sun Hi room. She took in a deep breath before knocking, Sun Hi open up the door and frowned when she saw Shay standing there.

"Now what's your problem?" Sun Hi questioned rolling her eyes.

"Good morning to you to Sun Hi, why aren't you ready for school?" Shay asked noticing she's still wear her PJs.

" I'm having cramps I don't want to go" she frowned.

"Oh really!" Shay said not buying it " in that case there are tons of pain killers for that so unless you don't want to get ship off---

"Jeez! Can't you just leave me alone!" She screamed.

Gosh! If she was my sister  I'll sure knocked those rotten attitude out..... Arrrgh!!!!

You need the job Shay, just ignore her she just a trouble kid she kept telling herself. She knew she going through something that's why  her behavior is like that and so is Mr Hyin but they just wouldn't let anyone in.

"Just get dress for school" Shay said.

She walked off and heard the slamming of the door, soon there will be no door on this house she slammed everyone. As soon as Sun Hi and Mr Hyin left Patrice and Shay get to work. Shay did the Landry while Patrice did everything else.


Later that evening Shay made sure Sun Hi is in the house, she always threatened her about boarding school and it's kinda a getting old Shay thought.

The evening was still early and Shay felt boring because Patrice went  home and Sun Hi locked up in her room and wouldn't talked to her. She walked to the living room and picked up the landline phone and dial Skai number.

"Hello" Skai answered in a whisper.

"Hey its me Shay, how are you?" Shay said broken.

"I'm OK how are you?" Skai said softly.

"I missed you Skai and I promise one day I'm gonna come get you" Shay eyes filled with tears.

"I missed you too Shay, called me tomorrow someone is coming" she whispered

"Bye I love you and be careful" Shay said then the called end.

She sunk down on the sofa and tears started pouring down, she was scared of her there with that evil man but Skai told Shay he hasn't touched her. Shay wanted to save as much money so she can get her and ran faraway but she has go work along time here.

"Is my brother home yet?" She heard Sun Hi walked in.

"No" she answered softly drying her tears quickly.

"Dammit! He's never  here, does he even care about me" she said upsetting.

"Sun Hi your brother is very busy, he has alot of work doing and he does care about you" Shay said thoughtfully.

"What do you know!" She yelled

She March off up the steps, Shay realized she's angry because she need her brother to be there with her. Shay went to her room and lay down staring in the ceiling lost him her thoughts. She heard a knocked on her door and she quickly opened it seeing Mr Hyin with an unpleasant face.

"My office now" he commanded.

Shay was shocked a lil wondering what she did wrong but she did followed him to his office.

"Who did the laundry today?" He questioned without looking at her.

"I--i did sir" she answered nervously

"Didn't you checked the pockets of my pants before you put them in the washer?" She said spinning around facing her.

"No sir I didn't" she answered truthfully. "Did I do something wr--

" Yes you did! You washed my pants with my flash drive now all my works are gone! " he barked

Shay jumped at his voice and was scared at the tone of his voice, she never pissed him off like this. She bit on her nails hoping he won't fire her, she can't go back to Louise and she'll be homeless and penniless.

"I'm sor---

" You're sorry huh? Can that get back my works" he said throwing his hands up.

Shay flinched and shield her face when she saw him throw his hands up. She remembered how Louise would get angry at her and wanted to beat her.

"Please don't hurt me I'm sorry" she sobbing still shielding her face.

"What?" Mr Hyin said confused.

Shay quickly ran out of the office crying, Mr Hyin was confused about what she said.

I wouldn't hurt her... Why would she think that?... He asked himself. He noticed the fear that was in her eyes, he scolded him self for his bad temper.

He wanted to go apologize to her for lashing out like that, accident do happen he thought.

But Mr Hyin apologize to no one, he sat back into his chair thinking about why she think he'll hurt her.


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