{Chapter 35}

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**Ugly scars**

Following morning Shay woke up feeling great, she stared at Leon who was still sleeping and she couldn't believe how real this is. The first man she fell in love with, the man who gave her first kissed and the first man to make Love to her.

She closed her eyes reminiscing on lastnight, how passionate and gentle he was to her. The sweet words he whispered in her ears, let her want him again only if she wasn't feeling this sore. She tilt her head back giggling away lost in her thoughts.

"What are you smiling about?" Leon husky voice said causing her to jumped.

"U--hmmm sorry for waking you" she said smiling embarrassingly.

"I don't mine beautiful.... How are you feeling?" He asked pulling her to him.

She rest her head on his firm chest" a little sore but otherwise  feeling great" she giggle.

"I'm sorry if I was a bit out of control and hard--

" No you weren't, I love the way you were" she said sweetly kissing his lips.

Leon started Shay admiring the beautiful angel that captured his heart and have the keys for it. His heart only beat fast for her and he promised her and himself  he'll never hurt her instead he'll take good care of her, he'll protect her and make sure he keeps that sweet smile on her face.

"I'm going for a shower" Shay said wrapping the sheet around her body.

"Can I come with you?" Leon asked

"No you stay right there until I'm finish" Shay warned sliding inside the bathroom.

Reaching in the bathroom, Shay dropped the sheet revealing her body she was hiding from Leon. Even though they made love she was still embarrassed to let him see the ugly scars on her back.

"Sorry but I have to disobey you honey" Leon said walking in the bathroom.

"Leon!" She scolded him quickly wrapping back the sheet around her body.

"Babe what's wrong? I promise I won't touch you unless you want me too" Leon said wrapping his arms around her.

"Is not that,  I'm just-- She started off pulling from him.

Leon noticed how her voice sounded cracked and she wasn't looking on him. He wondered what he did wrong, she didn't have the sweet smile her lips possess.

" Sunshine did I do something wrong? " he asked lifting her chin so she could look at him.

"No you didn't... It's just that I don't want you to see me like this" she muttered

"Like what babe? Your perfectly fine.... You're beati--

" No I'm not, you probably won't want Me anymore after seeing these ugly scars on my back " she said with droplets of tears.

Leon pulled her closed to him and use his thumb wiping her tears.  " Babe don't you ever say that again...I will always want you because I'm madly in love with you. And those scars can't change the way I feel about you and they don't let you look ugly, you're very beautiful always remember that and I love you so much " he finished off cupping her face.

Shay was speechless, there were alot of prettier girl out there with clean skin and he choose her. He sounded sincerely real and all she could see is the love and care in his eye's.

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