After Kaidyn calmed down, I helped her into the tub, so that she could relieve some stress. Her eyes were practically swollen shut from the crying, and she was silent. The noiseless bathroom was filled with tension, before her voice cracked. "You're still going back to her, aren't you?"
"I need to know what you're thinking. I can cry all day, but it doesn't change your decision. If you're leaving, don't string me along, giving me false hope. Just tell me."
"I'm not trying to string you along, Kaidyn. One minute you want me to stay, and the next you're asking if I'm leaving. What do you want?" It confused me, how quickly her mood changed, but I remained patient.
A few minutes of silence passed, before she decided to speak up.
"I want you to do what you want to do. I love you so much, your happiness means more to me, than-" She choked up, stopping mid-sentence and and covering her face. I knew this was about more than me being with Jelly; Kaidyn had so much stress already, and our relationship seemed to be the biggest boulder.
"I'm not leaving you."
When hearing my response, she rose on her knees, and leaned in toward me, pulling my shirt. "I'm sorry for leaving, Daniel," Her damp body soaked my clothes as she hugged me tightly, before giving me continuous kisses. "And Valentines Day... I'm so sorry. I get so caught up in trying to take on so many thing at once, that I forget about what's most important to me."
Somehow she managed to ease into my lap, while I tried gripping her slippery body. "It happened before we got back together." I confessed, trying to add comfort to the unchangeable situation. "You still love me?"
Hurt flashed across her eyes, before Kaidyn curled her lips into a weak smile. She looked liked she could barely form words, while quickly wiping away falling tears. "Yes."
"You want me to get you a towel?" Daniel asked, while I kissed him. I only ignored his comment, and continued. The more I kissed him, the more I thought about him and Jelly together. It bothered me so much, I had to break away from him. "I can't do this!" I rose from his lap, snatching a towel up, and wrapping it around my body. Daniel pulled his vibrating phone from his pocket, where I saw Jelly's name flashed across the screen. He ignored the call, watching me leave the bathroom, before calling my name.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Daniel spoke out of frustration, while I dried off.
"She's always going to be here! How am I supposed to compete with someone who has a baby by my man?"
"We'll be just like Marcus and Chantel, with baby mama drama... Just the thought of it is giving me a headache. I got the ring, and she got the baby, great. No, typical."
"What does that, mean? You don't want it?"
"I didn't say that..."
"Well what did you mean?"
"I mean, I don't want her to have the baby! Maybe you should talk to her..." This was sad, better yet, pathetic. Insinuating an abortion because of my selfishness was an all time low for me.
"I love you, but I can't do that."
"I didn't mean that." I apologized quickly, but he was already bothered.
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All For Love (Urban Fiction) Part 5
Romance(Lost In Love) (Love Lost) (Love Hurts) (Love And Lies)