#1 Imagine Part: 2

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I was laying in bed thinking about all the good times we had together. We used to get along but ever since the MAGcon tours, he kind of just drifted apart and left me out. He still had time for Sky and Hayes which I dont mind cause thats his family that he was originally with. Well almost. I never meant for this to happen. If I did something wrong i'm sure i didn't mean it. I sighed not knowing what to do. Then I heard the front door open.

"NASH! GET YOUR SORRY BUTT DOWN HERE NOW!" Well there you go. Sergent Mom in the house. He better watch out. When she gets mad, she gets MAD. Almost like a girl forced to get up in the morning. That's a bad sign.

"I'm coming!" Nash yelled back. I heard the fear in his voice. I think he knows what going on. My eyesight got blurrier thinking about how he would come up with excuses and how he wouldn't feel sorry when my mom talks to him about it. I meant no harm. Everyone saw that. I was just asking if I could go to the mall with a friend....thats a girl! I bet I was sobbing now cause i heard faint yelling noises. I couldn't take it anymore. I covered myself up with the blanket and fell asleep.


"Man, this is your fault." I heard whispers around me. I still felt the cold tears slipping down my cheek.

"I know. I never should have said those things to her." That was Nash's voice. I could tell that he was sorry becase he didn't go all 'rage' on the boys. I decided to wake up and shoo them out of my room.

"Guys? What are you doing in my room?" I played dumb while sniffing and holding back the tears from seeing Nash so sorry. They all had un-readable looks. Nash decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry for saying those things! I never meant it! Those just slipped out!" By now Nash was hugging me like there was no tomorrow.

"It's fine Nash." I smiled at him and the guys perked up. Nash signaled them to leave so that we could have a little talk.

"I know I said this before but I'm so so so so so sorry!"

"And like I said, Its okay. Now, I'm tired so it's either you get out or you could be a nice brother and stay here with me." it took him no time to respond.

"I'm staying!" I laughed at his sudden outburst of excitement. He smiled and we snuggled together. Most people think that we're in a relationship but i love him like a brother. We both soon drifted off into a deep sleep and smiled in our dreams.

(I couldn't really think of anything else without turning it into a five page long story so i cut to the chase and just made it short. Lol sorry!)

                                                                 -isabelle <3

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