Imagine #6 Part: One

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(Y/N's Profile)
Name: Y/N
Age: 17-18
Story: Is dating Matthew Espinosa
 or (Whoever) and moved in but then got in to a really big fight.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I sat alone in the living room waiting for Matt to come home. It was already past midnight and i'm here waiting on the couch. Maybe he had some work to do with some of the other guys. I decided to get up and do some of my homework. I didn't bother cooking since it's almost to late to eat anyway and I already snacked on a few things so i'm not all that hungry.


"Okay guys. See you later" I heard the front door open and the sound of Matt saying goodbye. Finally. But who am I to complain. He has stuff to do too.

"Y/N!" He called out.

"Up here!" I dropped my pencil and closed my binder, slipping it back into my bag and zipping it up. Suddenly the door opened to an Angry looking Matt. Did I do something?

"Why didn't you do my laundry, or clean the house, you didn't even do the dishes, oh and to top it all off, you didn't cook!" Was I supposed to do all of that? I had to do my homework and I had to study for the upcoming essay.

"I'm sorry. I was working on my homework." I pointed my finger over to my desk and then my bag.

"I DON'T CARE! I COME FIRST! I COME HOME EVERY DAY REGRETTING LIVING WITH YOU! YOU RELY ON MY FOR MY MONEY AND MY FAME! GOSH! JUST GET UP AND DO SOMETHING FOR ONCE!" Matt dropped his bags on the ground and walked over to my backpack. I had no idea what he was going to do so I stood up and walked to the door way.

"LOOK AT ALL THIS CRAP!" I didn't know what he was talking about so I turned around and saw him ripping up my math work and my written up papers. My eyes widened at the mess and looked at Matt with my jaw to the floor.

"MATT WHAT THE HECK?!" Matt kicked my backpack and went to the bathroom taking a towel with him. What am I supposed to do now? My 5 hour written papers with my 2 hour math work. All of my time wasted.

I checked the time and saw that it was 9:00 p.m. Great now I need to clean the house, do his laundry, and get my work done. Might as well start now.


Five hours passed and i'm down in the kitchen rinsing off the soap of the last dish and placing it in the dishwasher. Now that I got the floor mopped, the dishes done, the table clean, and a little snack for Matt made, I took off my gloves and rested up against the counter and closed my eyes for a second.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO EAT?!" My eyes flew open to see Matt flip the plate across the kitchen. He then walked angrily to the pantry and pulled out snacks. Not again.

Two tears slipped because of stress and the little amount of time. I shook my head and got down on my knees and started to get to work with the mess.


"Done" I whispered to myself looking at the shiny kitchen. Now time for the laundry. I got up and walked to the laundry room and took Matt's clothes out of the dryer and started to fold them .

I got lost in my thoughts of how I disappoint Matt so much that I didn't even know I finished folding the laundry. A sigh escaped my lips and I picked up the basket and walked up to the room that both me and Matt shared and I walked in.

Matt was on the bed on his phone I guess scrolling though twitter not caring about what I did. So I took the basket over to the dresser and placed his clothes in. My eyes started to hurt so I rubbed them only to make the laundry left over, fall.

"WHAT THE HECK!" He yelled looking at the laundry on the floor. Tears escaped my eyes wanting to get this done so I could get my homework done.

After I got the clothes back into the drawer, I took the basket to the laundry room and started on the living room. By now it was 4:47 a.m. and i'm still not done. I could already feel my eyes burn and turn a bloodshot red. Gosh i'm so tired. I let a few tears escape and then it turned into a full on silent cry. Why do I disappoint Matt so much? I'm not as perfect as he tells me I am. I guess he just got tired of lying to my face.

I shook my head at the negative thoughts and put the last things away. After finally finishing, I got up and walked to my room and got my backpack not making any eye contact with Matt. I was to pissed and sad to even look at him.

I walked to the guest room and started to get to work on my homework again.


An hour passed and my eyes burned like fire. But I wasn't even halfway done with my math. I need to get this done. But to my luck the door opened interrupting me.

"Babe?" I didn't want to hear him so I didn't answer.

"Baby. Come to bed." So now he is asking for me to get to bed?

"I can't. I still have to work on my homework and then I have to get your clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer." I responded. I felt the bed dip and I looked up to see Matt.

"Come on." I didn't budge.

"Why should I? You told me to get to work and I'm not done yet." I stated coldly at him. Matt sighed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I feel so bad right now and all I want is for you to get to bed. Your eyes are super red and I could do my laundry. You can finish your homework tomorrow. But please come to bed. I'm really really sorry" i couldn't stay mad at him forever. But I'm not forgiving him now.

(beep boop bop. okay. )

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