#2 Imagine Part: One (Warning!!! Language: PG)

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Takes place: Outside during the Meet and Greet

Y/N's P.O.V.

I couldn't take it anymore. Nothing helped. Not even self harm. Instead I leave the meet and greet, sitting by an abandoned part of the building, sobbing, while holding a knife to my heart. Some girls at the meet and greet were looking me up and down while holding back laughs. I wanted to leave. I know it's never the answer but it's hard living a life with people calling you names. All day i'd go to school being pushed around with people calling me a 's*ut, who*e, ska*k, and a useless bi*ch.'. No one would care for me. It all just went downhill from Middle school transfering to High school. It's almost as if you have to be a certain way in order to fit in.

All I ever wanted was a friend, someone to be there for me. Just someone I could trust. Abusive parents don't fit in to any of those categories. My life was just a big blurr that people wouldn't mind messing up. I dont even know what I did to deserve this. I suddenly brought the knife to touch my skin. There was no turning back now. I can do it.

"one" I quietly chanted to myself.

"two' The knife was now pressing against my skin with pressure.

"thr-" I couldn't finish the word without interuptions.

"O my gosh! What are you doing?" I didn't bother to look up knowing that person thought I was crazy. I gripped the handle harder. I was full on shaking.

"MATT, AARON, NASH, SOMEONE!" Oh no. Not the Magcon boys.

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