Imagine #3 Part: Two

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I still had a few more days until my final decision day. I honestly don't want anything anymore. Everything was all just jumbled up. I guess i'll just ask to go to Disney. I don't really care anymore. Okay I think that's my final decision. I'll tell the doctor. I pressed the button and waited for a few seconds before the white door opened.

"Yes Y/N?" My doctor poked her head in as I had a saddened expression.

"I made my decision. I just want to go to Disney land." I was bummed but happy. And for some reason my doctor was too. I know she's up to something.

"Okay! I'll go set things up" I nodded and let her leave the room. I sighed and slumped back into the bed taking in a deep sleep.

~~Disney day~~

I got changed into skinnies and a loose shirt with a snapback on. It seems a little to much for a girl with cancer but I just don't want to stand out and make everyone ask me questions. The doctors knew why I dd though so I didn't have to explain to them.

"Y/N? Are you ready? We leave for disney in 15 minutes" I unlocked the door I was in and walked outside to see Austin Mahone, MAGcon, And my best friend?! I didn't know what to do. All I could really do is just smile and cry. I couldn't move I just stood there. Finally getting my act together, I ran up to Austin Mahone and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Hi beautiful" OMG he just called me beautiful. But before I could respond, I was hugged by all the MAGcon boys getting 'hey gorgeous' or ' hello cutie' all through the hugging process, I was blushing like a crazy maniac. I stopped in front of my best friend for life and smiled. Her eyes teared up and we brought eachother into un breakable hugs.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"I missed you too." We pulled apart as I looked over to my smiling doctor. I then attacked him in a hug as he laughed.

"Thank you! But one question. How did all of you guys get here with your schedules?" I asked confused tucking a stray stand of hair behind my ear.

"My tour has a stop here" Austin explained his part along with Shawns.

"Our career isn't all that big yet" Nash stated. I nodded then looked at my best friend.


"Got on the first plane. Its a whole teacher conference thing so I had the whole week off." I pipped up.

"Omg thank you guys!" I was going to ask something but Shawn beat me to it.

"Let's do that duet." I smiled big as we sang a song together. At the end people clapped.

"Okay Disney time!" I was shocked but then pulled into a van while we drove off to disney. There wasn't that much people so we basically had it to ourselves. Today was the best day ever

I know short but oh well

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