#7 Imagine Part: One

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(Y/N's Profile)
Name: Y/N
Age: high school age
Sibling: Aaron Carpenter
Story: Is going to the school dance with friends.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I looked at myself in the mirror and for once I thought I looked decent. The way my dress hugged my curves, and the way my friends did my hair and makeup, and the shoes they picked out for me. I really truly thought this was going to be a night where I won't let anyone judge me for how I look.

"Thanks you guys!" I wrapped my arms around my two best friends and grabbed my clutch.

"Okay so I will be down in a second. I just need to get my phone and then tell Aaron that I'll be going." My friends nodded and skipped down the steps with their dresses waving behind them as they waltzed out the door. I chuckled and shook my head. My friends are crazy but you got to love them.

"I think I'm ready" I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and walked down the steps to where my brother was with his friends. No, his friends aren't that interested in talking to me nor at least liking me as a friend but I try to get little conversations here and there.

"Aaron, I'm heading out. I just need to know what time you want me to get back and how do I look?" My brothers input was always important to me just because ever since my mom and dad got divorced, he's been the one to help me.

"Eh, could do better"

"You look like a w*hore"

"Really? Wow, I've seen better dressed...for lazy days"

"Geez, Aaron, your sister needs to be on what no to wear cause that is something not to wear"

"Ew, Get curves or something. fat makes it look like its suffocating you or choking the living daylights out."

"Disgusting! I'd rather watch my dad twerk"

"Aha dude, you actually have a dad"

I looked down getting a blurry vision from tears. Aaron's friends were insulting me and Aaron was laughing along. Those first words didn't get to me as much but when Cameron said that Taylor actually had a dad, that ripped my heart out that someone would be so cruel and selfish to think that it doesn't hurt to see a 5 year old little girl still smiling and walking down the streets on her dad's shoulders. My childhood never existed like that. It was all just in court watching my parents fight for who takes us. Of course, my mom won.

"I'll be back" I whispered. I don't think they heard me from the erupted laughter but I managed to pull myself together and walk outside to my friends car.

"I can't go. " I told them.

"No what? Why?" They asked me.

" I-i feel sick and I don't feel well."  I was trying so hard to keep my cracking voice and tears back.

"Oh, we'll stay here with you!" I didn't want to be the cause of them no going to the dance they have been dreaming of for the past 10 years.

"No. I'll be fine. I'll call you if I feel a bit better" They both looked at me with sad eyes.

"Okay but it won't be the same without you" I nodded and walked back inside saying goodbye. I felt so insecure, and just the thought of me walking down the school halls looking down with people laughing at me just makes me cringe at my own form. Tears spilled from my eyes as I shut the front door. Laughter was still heard except now it was from the living room.

I walked upstairs un-noticed with tears spilling down. If only they felt my pain. But they didn't.

beep boop never mind. But I need some help again for the hundredth time. I'm thinking of when I finish 'wamh' that I should just leave it at that and then make a sequel but then at the same time I want to write a different story. Idk but I might just delete JAF. I really don't know to be honest but the next part comes out on Saturday. I just made this so that it makes up for my late WAMH update. Sorry.


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