Imagine #8

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First, i'm really sorry I haven't been on in a while...let's just face it, I got a boyfriend and I really hate wattpad. WOW! WHOEVER BELIEVED THAT, EVEN FOR A SECOND MUST BE GULLIBLE CAUSE AHA, I HAVE THE HUMOR OF A PENGUIN FLYING, AND FOR SOME PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT PENGUINS CAN'T FLY, THEN EXACTLY. No but really, I've been slacking off because i'm lazy like that...But i'm going to try to work hard to make it up to you peeps out there!


(Y/N's) P.O.V.

"Nash! Stop!" I walked around trying to pick up the broken shattered pieces of glass Nash threw around. Apparently, Cameron took Nash out to a bar in town and let him have a bit to much to drink. Cameron was sober but Nash, when he walked in the front door, was furious. I don't know what happened.

"I HATE THIS PICTURE!!!" I looked up to see what he was going to break next. He was holding up a picture of me and my brother at his high school graduation a few years ago. That picture meant alot to me, so I ran up to Nash and grabbed the picture, now fuming with rage towards Nash. He knew I loved this picture but he was to drunk.

"NASH GRIER! SIT YOUR BUTT DOWN AND LOOK AT THE MESS YOU MADE! I AM SICK OF YOU BREAKING THINGS! SO IT'S EITHER YOU HELP ME CLEAN UP THIS MESS YOU MADE OR I PACK UP AND LEAVE!" Nash knew I wasn't serious, but he always has nightmares of it.. I didn't care what he had to use as an excuse. I took a second look at Nash and saw him look down.

"Sorry" He mumbled. Then he got on his knees and started picking up glass. I placed the picture back up on the ledge of the fireplace and kissed it. I love the sweet memories.

"Y/N?" Nash seemed calm so I figured it was fine to answer him.

"Hm?" I turned around to see the blue eyed brunette looking down at the floor.

"You wouldn't know, leave me right?" I immediately felt a wave of guilt and grabbed his face in my tiny palms and made him look me dead in the eye.

"Nash, I wouldn't even think about it...well at least seriously." Nash smiled at me and then quickly frowned which caused my smile to fade too.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't know. I've just been out of my place lately. I mean, before you and I started to clean up this mess, I wasn't you know, focused."

"It's okay Nash. Everyone makes mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Just as the fully clothed Miley said." I giggled and blushed at my lame joke.

"Well I just want you to know that no matter where we end up in the future, I will always find my way back to you. I need you." I'm glad to have a kind and sweet boyfriend who cares.

"I love and need you too." I gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek while he wiped his face.

"Ewwwww, girls have coootiiieesss!" I laughed and shrugged sitting back on the couch not paying much attention to anything. I got on to instagram and stalked everyone's insta's until I got to Nash's. I scrolled through looking at all the pictures smiling at all of them. But then there was one where Nash and a fan were kissing. Now, I don't mind that. I understand it means something to the fan and to Nash as well cause well- it's his fan. I just tend to fangirl every time. I liked it and stalked some fans accounts. Then there was one where Nash was kissing Cameron on the cheek. I just love these fans for editing these pictures.

"AAAHHHHH!" I squealed/ screamed in a fangirling way.

"Y/N! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" I apologized and went back to intsa. I soon felt the side of the couch dip and felt the warm feeling of Nash beside me.

"I love you Y/N" I blushed and looked up at Nash.

"I love you too!"

Okay, go ahead yell at me for being a lazy butt head, heck I'd yell at myself to XD! But anyway, WAMH update coming up this week, I hope. So......YAYU$$

Rester jeune rester belle et toujours une fangirl!

                            -Isabelle <3


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