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Jack Gilinsky

Jewel's Profile)

Name: Jewel
Age: 17
Bio: Loves Jack G,, Just hits 5' 6", Brown hair that falls to mid back, Brown eyes
Jewel's P.O.V.

"Oh let's go on that ride!" my best friend Isa was pulling me through six flags to one of the roller coasters. I rolled my eyes as I ran along with her. But we soon got tired and started to walk. By now we almost covered the whole place. Yup. We're those girls. As we were walking we see Jack Gilinsky walk by. My insides turned and i stopped but kept going.

"Wait! Jewel! That's Jack!" Isa screamed at me.

"I know." Oh my gosh! I just hope this crazy woman will shut up so he doesn't look our way and gets the thought of us being crazy obsessive fans.

"Go up to him!" She stopped me in the middle of the area and pointed in his direction. Heat rushed up to my cheeks knowing he was looking this way.

"No." I answered back trying to get away from her. She pulled me back though.

"You love him. Now go talk to him." I can't believe this.

"No. One i'm terrified and two he didn't come here to see me." I stated trying to get rid of the intense moment.

"Get over it and skip over there and get his autograph!" I was really put up with this woman.

"If I was a true fan, i'd leave him alone and give him space." Finally. She let's me pass by. I heard her groan and then follow behind me. But soon the trudged stomps stopped and my wrist was pulled into a hand. I didn't bother turning around so I just talked.

"Let go of me. I already told you that I respect his privacy and that I don't need to invade." Wait. Normally Isa would complain and throw an embarrassing 17 year old fit but for some reason this person didn't. Slowly and cautiously, I turned around.

"Relax. I heard the whole conversation. Don't be terrified." Oh my gosh. It's freaking Jack Gilinsky! He's talking to me. Like me. As in THIS GIRL! Oh but he's so tall. So perfect. Amazing!

"O-oh I'm uh sorry. I-i-"

"Don't worry about it. I thought it was adorable." I felt my cheeks burn while Isa basically had her jaw to the floor. But realization got to me and I totally forgot to introduce myself. Cue the mental face palm.

"I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I'm jewel" I stuck out my hand but I was pulled into a hug and then released after a few amazing seconds.

"I don't do hand shaking gestures . And you already know who I am" He winked at me which got me to blush again. For the third time. Goodness. This guy. I heard a low chuckle as I looked down trying to control the blushing on my cheeks.

"Do you want to go walk around. You know. Hang out and stuff? I mean we just met but you seem pretty. Oh um I mean uh pretty cool as in like cool" Aw he was adorable. But whoo! Did someone turn the heat up cause he is smoking! The way he blushed while he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure. I'd like that" Isa got the cue and I heard her whisper to herself. 'ohh right'. And then she left. Now it was just me and Jack.


We walked around, with our hands brushing up against each others. I was thinking, 'i should just pull my hand away or back up' but that'd be stupid. I felt my fingers get interlocked with anothers. My gaze traveled from my hands up to a blushing Jack who focused on the trail. I mentally screamed but I managed to keep it from going from my brain to my mouth.

Sparks. That's what I felt. I couldn't tell whether it was being a fan or normal sparks. I mean I now think of him as a normal person. But there is always that one part of me that'll stay a fan. All of my thoughts were jumbled up. I shook my head and got rid of the thought.

Soon, we were standing in front of an ice cream cart. I looked at the dippin' dots just imagining what the banana split would taste like. Or the cotton candy. OMG THEY HAVE COOKIES AND CREAM.

"One large Cookies and Cream and one large rainbow." My food wonderland was ruined by the guy in the cart yelling out someone's order. If only it was me.

"Here you go." Suddenly there was a cup of Cookies and Cream dippin' dots handed to me. I looked up at jack. He had rainbow.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't need this" I felt so bad. I knew he saw me practically drooling over the flavor. But he only chuckled and shook his head telling me that I had no choice. I still did slip $5 bucks into his pocket when I gave him a thank you hug. I think we're off to a good start.

(I hope you liked it homez! I know it's not all that interesting but whoo. You got Jack G! But don't make me get Taylor to yell 'walk across the room' got it? Jk. But srsly. Dont make me Cause I will. )

                                                              -Isabelle <3

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