Imagine #4 Part: One (Warning: Language PG)

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(Y/N's Profile)

(It can either range from Hayes as the person or Cameron. Or someone who is in that age limit. Er just someone who is a guy.)

Name: Y/N
Age: Older than 13, younger than 19
History: Has been kidnapped before but escaped and is now a target for all of the gangs out there.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I ran down the alley trying to find my way to a busy street to catch people's attention to the guy with a black mask on. I could already tell it was one of my kidnappers. But I had to run today just because one, I am very very tired, two, there are multiple people that are helping him, and three, he has a gun. The only reason I got away this time is because he was distracted and I can run pretty fast. But what scared me the most was that even if I died tonight, he'd still go after my family. Tears sprung out of my eyes willingly as I looked over my shoulder seeing that he wasn't far behind. They were the most wanted gang in the whole country, and I choose to run from them.

"NOT A GOOD IDEA TO RUN SWEETIE!" I could feel the pattering of his feet not that far behind. I tried showing no fear but I obviously failed.

"I CAN PULL THIS TRIGGER ANY SECOND NOW! I'M GIVING YOU TIME TO STOP!" I looked around frantically and saw no open roads to anybody's attention. There was no other way to run except down a long dark tunnel. I had to make a plan quick. That's it. I ran a little past the tunnel, then took the sharp turn back. It was an obvious way to get away from him but i should've know.

"You're cornered sweetheart. It's either you co-operate or you die." This was it. He was just going to rape me and then leave me for the goods. I couldn't let that happen.

"Hm...Not answering now are we?" That sounded like a different voice than the one that always filled my ears.

"Why me?" I couldn't see anyone but their shadows lingered here and there as I tried to gain myself together.

"STICK TO THE FIRST QUESTION!" His voice boomed through out the long sewer smelling tunnel.

"I-i um...i'll co-operate." I will never ever let them kill me and then go after my family. It just doesn't work like that with me.

"Ah now she's a keeper" One of the others stated sarcastically.

"Whatever. Now answer my question!" I brought my self confidence to mind and burst. Suddenly, a bunch of laughter roared echoing down the dark path.

"Ooh feisty now are we?" Some one's minty breath was felt on my neck. I shook with fear but stopped once I realized, i couldn't show how weak I feel if I want to stay alive.

"I said answer my freaking question dimwit!" I didn't care if they hit me. I'd hit back. I don't care if they shove me. I'd do the same.

"Gosh. Give me time" His silhouette showed his hands up in surrender.

"Well you certainly got it since you have the effing time to come and kidnap me!" I spat back with the same lack of respect he gives towards me. I heard him sigh but then he spoke.

"Because" What a helpful answer.

"Yeah! uh huh. I totally understand" I yelled with sarcasm filling everybody's ears.

"Shut up!" Oh little does he know.

"Go ahead. Make me. Make me shut up. Let's see what you do. Bring it bada**!" This was a very risky plan. But I had to take my anger out on everybody if they treat me like a side h*oe they think I am.

"DO.YOU.WANT.TO.LIVE?" This annoying voice asked through gritted teeth.

"I mean of course. But not with you f*cked up snobs" I felt the wind of a punch that I dodged. I moved my head to the side so he wouldn't punch me.

"Hm. Nice punch.......if you were trying to fighting air" Everyone laughed while he yelled 'shut up' to everyone making them pipe down slightly.

(I know i know reference from a deleted story)

Chuckles kept roaming around while he kept trying to make them shut up. It was really funny for a night like this.

"Come on. We're bringing her to the meeting place" I've heard a few 'okay' mumbles while I was dragged away back into the dim lights.

"Tie this on her so she doesn't know where it is." The tallest guy handed my kidnapper a bandana. All I could think was, this isn't going to end well..

(Part two will be out sooner or later uh yeah)

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