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Ashley's P.O.V.
Name: Ashley
Siblings: Shawn Mendes
Age: Old enough for Luke (5count) andTaylor Caniff

Ashley's P.O.V.

"Ashley!!" I woke up to the most peaceful awakening ever....my brother. I knew I had no choice but to sit up and face the screaming maniac in my room that's trying to get me up.

"What do you want Shawn?" I asked with a sharp sass in my voice. That only made my brother smile innocently at me. Gosh that smirk makes me want to slap him with all my force but he's just going to bug me even more so why do it?

"Nothing" Then he got up and left. I am legit about to get up and go after him but I could feel a smile on my face- or more like a mischievous grin just waiting to get the revenge needed. Just as I was about to get up, my phone rang.

'hello' I answered not paying attention to who was calling.
'hey bae!' I smiled instantly at the sound of my boyfriend Taylor.
'hi!!! Let me just quickly say, you seriously made this day a whole lot better because Shawn broke my eardrum so thank you!'
' aw, i'm sorry about shawn. Do you want to come over?'
'sure! i mean only if you want me to.'
'babe, i wouldn't have called if I didn't want you over'
'okay okay , i'll be over in about 30 minutes'
'okay. sounds good! love you bae!'
'love you too!'

I hung up the phone and got up to get ready. Hmm. What to wear..I thought for a few minutes then decided on mid thigh shorts white shorts with a red plain tee. Then to match, I picked out my red vans and a black beanie. Hm. I got ready faster than I thought. I'll go early. Should I call? Nah, I'll be fine.

"Shawn? I'm going to Taylor's! ill be back later!" I yelled. I then grabbed my keys and hopped into my car and then drove off to Taylor's.


"Phone, check. Keys, check, purse, check, working eardrums....we'll work on it." As I got out of the car, I straightened out my shirt and then walked up to the doorstep. I knocked three times then waited. A minute passed and nothing happened. Taylor always told me to use the spare key if he didn't answer, so that's what I did.  I unlocked the door and placed the key back.

"Taylor?" I called out. No answer came so I walked up to the steps and looked at his door from the bottom of the stairs. Giggling was heard and I got curious. Eh. Must be Taylor's sister. Maybe. I walked up the stairs then stopped at his closed door. Moans were suddenly abrupt to my one hearing ear and that's when I stopped.

"TAY!" Tears glistened my eyes as I stared at the dark wood of the door. He wouldn't right? I decided to open the door. But as I did, my answer was right in front of me. Taylor and my very own best friend were under the covers. I knew what was going on, I just didn't have the words.

"You should go now. I wouldn't want Ashley to find out" Taylor was cheating on me. I fell for it. I fell for his game. His stupid little mother freaking game.

"Don't worry. I already did. I'll leave. Go ahead (Y/B/F/N), stay with Taylor, He's yours now." I didn't dare hold back the tears. Instead, I ran down the steps with my salty cold tears staining my face, I didn't hear Taylor behind me, Only more moans. Right. He didn't love me. He didn't care for me. I hate myself for thinking he would.

Before I could reach the doorknob to the front door, it opened to his mom. I looked at her, shook my head while gesturing it to Taylor's door and ran out to my car. I rushed in and drove out of the parking lot. I need to go somewhere. I need best friend comfort. I'll go to Luke's.


"Please open the door" I said to myself as I stood in front of his doorstep. Please come on.

"Oh hey ashl- WOAH what happened?" I was hyperventilating so much, I couldn't even answer him. He brought me into his embrace and stoked my hair. I wrapped my hands around his muscular torso and nuzzled my face into his chest.

"H-he c-c-cheated" Luke gasped and pulled away.

"He only kissed someone or something like that right?" I shook my head no and almost immediately, he knew what I meant by cheating.

"Ashley, please stop crying. It pains me to see you like this. Please stop" Luke sounded sad to hear me cry, so I stopped and looked at him. He cupped my face in his hands and wiped away my tears with his thumbs.

"Ashley, he isn't worth it okay? You deserve someone better, you're perfect. He doesn't deserve you." I tried to see if there was any sort of lie behind his eyes but I saw no negative expression.

"Thank you Luke" I hugged him once more and pulled away.

"I love you Ashley" He told me.

"I love you too" But Luke looked at me dead in the eye.

"No you don't understand. I love you. You give me chills just by looking at me, you make me nervous, Call me cliche but I feel fireworks and butterflies and sparks when you touch me. I love you" I smiled at him and kissed him for a good 10 seconds.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks while turning red.

"Aw, I would love too" He smiled wide and kissed me again.

"I love you Ashley, and I always will"

Hope you liked it Ashley!


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