imagine #9

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(Y/N's P.O.V.)

I sat on the couch in Taylor's house on my phone. He was currently doing a YouNow and I didn't want to bother him.

"Hold on guys, I'm getting Y/N's boyfrieeend Matt" I blushed and kept staring at my phone while Taylor got up to go get him. A few minutes later, Taylor came back with Matt and Taylor sat down in front of his computer.

"Taylor, there's people outside your house." Taylor looked outside and sighed.

"Are they pretty?" He asked with his accent ringing in.

"Yeah." Matt replied dully.

"Well, pretty people aren't allowed in my house!" Taylor shouted mad, of course faking it.

"Hey! I feel slightly offended." Matt laughed and Taylor opened his arms so that I could sit next to him. I got up and laid my head on his shoulder. Taylor was like my best bro friend. Almost like a brother.

"I have exceptions to this beautiful girl" I blushed a bright pink and hid my face in his shoulder. I heard a scoff and looked up to Matt. I smiled up at him, but he smiled a sarcastic one. I looked down, then started reading the comments while Taylor kept talking.

'I ship you guys so hard!'

I laughed along with Taylor. Suddenly, Matt threw a pillow my way and stormed out. I gave Taylor the look that I needed to talk to him. He nodded and let me go. I walked outside and saw Matt on the stairs with his hands running through his hair.

"Matt-" I called out.

"What do you want?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and sat next to him.

"I just wanted to talk about what happened in there." I felt a little bad that I didn't acknowledge his presence, but I know I wasn't flirting with Taylor.

"Why would I want to talk to a s*lut?" Matt's eyes softened after he figured out what he just said. I felt the salty tears threatening to fall.

"Y/N- I didn't mean that." He tried to say. My mind was still trying to process what he just called me.

"I-it's okay, I um, just need to go for a little walk. I- yeah" Then I got up and stormed down the sidewalk. He does know that I didn't intentionally make him jealous right? I looked down at my vans and stopped walking. I looked back and saw Matt running towards me. I didn't have time for this. I started to sprint but of course, Matt was faster, so I took a shortcut to a park. The running footsteps got farther away and I stopped to take a breath, seeing the park in front of me.

I went to a bench that kept a good distance from the actual playground and sat there curling my legs up to my chest, letting my tears fall freely. I just sat there and kept my sobbing in. The kids looked so happy.

"Y/N!" Matt came out from the trees running. There was no use in running anymore. So I sucked in my tears and wiped my eyes.

"Matt, I really need some alone time." The tears burned at the corners of my eyes. Matt, being the stubborn type, stayed by my side and lifted my head with his pointer and thumb. I looked at him, finally letting my tears fall.

"Y/N, You know I didn't mean it" I nodded and hugged him tight.

"You know Taylor is like my older brother." I looked up at him once more to see is face full of sadness, he even let a few tears fall along too. I wiped them with me finger and kissed him.

"You need to understand that no matter how many guys I am friends with, I will still love you. Matthew, you do know I love you right?" Matt looked down.

"Yeah..." He said unsure.

"It doesn't seem like it." Matt looked back up slowly. He stared into your eyes, then kissed you passionately.

"How about a date, tonight at 7." I nodded.

I'm glad to have him back into my life after this.

That's that, bye!


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