Imagine: #4 Part: Two

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Y/N's P.O.V.

"F*cking H*ell!" I screamed to the two guys who were pushing me into a small room probably pitch dark. I mean it could just be my blindfold. But hey! You can't blame a girl for trying!

"Shut it side h*oe!" I quickly yanked my arm around and pulled my blindfold off making it slap the first person I saw. I could clearly see his face. His mask was off and let me just say, ZAYUMMM this guy has got the looks!

"ANSWER ME!" what? did I miss out on something? I guess his features got me spinning!

"Oh i'm sorry! I just got distracted over something far more interesting than you" It hurts to lie straight to his face. But if he finds that I stutter and that I don't focus, than I'll be dead meat. All he did was sigh.

"Do you know who I am?" I took a closer look at him not knowing what I should say. I mean he looks like someone i've seen before but I cant figure out who. I just had to lie.

"Oh yeah! I've seen you! Were you that guy on the anti-aging cream commercial? Cause if so, then yes!" I could already tell I've pissed him off to his limits. I mean I could practically see the vein popping out of his Neck.

"Haha. So funny." sarcasm lifted as he crossed his arms. Well this isn't ending well. Hopefully I make it out of here alive

"ooh you missed a few spots with the cream. And by a few i mean everywhere." My stomach was in knots and it really hurt to lie.

"Whatever"' Yep I'm not making it out of here alive.

"How old are you?" I ask curious.

"Your age" Oh so I see now.

"Wow" I mumbled surprised.

"What did you say?"

"Oh i'm sorry grandpa! Did you not hear me over all the wrinkles on your forehead?" I asked while cocking my head to the side and crossing my arms.

"Shut up! You don't know who you're messing with. I've got the weapons to kill you" Okay as of now, i was terrified on the inside but the outside isn't going down without a good old fight.

"Ah so scared! Don't tell grandma! Or worse, Don't hit me with your cane! Oh no! Not the wheelchair!" I exclaimed.

"Throw her in the heating room. I have had enough of her." The heating room does not sound friendly. Maybe its some sauna. Or not. This other guy brought me down a long hallway. The farther we went, the hotter it got. Now fear shows.

We stopped in front of a door that said 'caution' and 'heating room' underneath. I watched as he opened the door. The heat waves cracked with sparks. It didn't smell all that good either. It almost smelt like dead bodies-ooohh so this is what a heating room is. I took in a shaky breath but replaced it with a gulp.

"Jump in or I push you in" I'd rather jump in.

"I'm jumping" I got ready to jump. I quickly thanked everyone who was there for me. Memories of when I was a kid shot through making a bunch of sad tears slip. I closed my eyes, bent down and jumped. But right when I was about to jump, someone grabbed my wrist. I gasped loudly.

"I'm so so so so sorry!" I turned around. My eyes wide. My kidnapper. No. My boyfriend.

"I thought you were all the way across the country" I yelled with more tears streaming. His eyes soon became glossy too.

"You LIED to me! You told me you broke up with me because of long distance!" I cried out loud.

"I'm sorry!" It was barely above a whisper. I shut the door with the heat making it less heated.

"Why though?" I asked looking in to his eyes.

"I saw you with 500 other guys and I thought you were just using me" Anger and sadness filled his voice as he looked into my eyes.

"Those were my cousins though." I replied quite angry with his decisions.

"Oh." He barely got out over a whisper.

"I can't believe you" I took off running down the long hallway. Gunshots fired with screams of his name as I fled out into the streets. Sweat dripped off as I kept running. That's it. He was gone. He killed himself. My life is torn. This is my fault. I stopped running and looked around and saw that i was at the lake.

"i'll see you soon" 

(it's really lame. Not what she's doing but how I wrote it. I just needed to write something up and yea....)

                                          -isabelle <3

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