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"I don't wanna take you home." Marcel said with a pout. He gently held Louis's hand in his and the younger boy giggled in response. Marcel grew so impatient whenever they weren't together because he was so sure Louis was the one and the separation anxiety was starting to be too much to bare. "Just come and spend the night."

"If I get some cuddles then I'm completely for it." He replied as he intertwined their fingers.

"Great." The alpha said with a grin. He brought Louis' hand up to his mouth then placed a small kiss on it before beginning to speak again. "All four of us can go out for dinner when all the boys get home" He added, referring to Edward and Harry.

It didn't take long for Marcel to drive home. The pair got out the car then Marcel was quick to unlock the door. Both of them walked through the door and Louis smiled when he saw the house that was slowly becoming more familiar to him. The pair slipped off their shoes before walking to the living room. Before Louis could even think twice, Marcel was already sitting on the couch.

"Where are Harry and Edward anyway?" The younger boy asked after sitting down next to Marcel on the couch. 

"Edward is doing a photo shoot, he said he should be home soon, and Harry is finalizing a song in the studio." Marcel said as he pulled Louis into his lap sideways so his legs were dangling off one side.

"Lets send a picture to Haz and see how long it will take for him to come." He added with a laugh.

"Okay, wait why did you call Harry Haz?" 

"It's his nickname."

"Oh..." Louis mumbled with a furrowed eyebrow. Louis nuzzled his head in Marcel's neck as he leaned back. "So you're Marcy and he's Haz. Do you guys call Edward Ed or something?"

"Yeah, Ed or Eddie but usually it's Ed." The older lad answered as he took out his phone. He softly wrapped his arm around the other's waist to provide some support so he wouldn't fall. Marcel opened the camera on his phone then snapped a quick picture then sent it to Harry, telling him that they were waiting on him.

"Marcy?" Louis hummed. He tucked his head closer to Marcel's skin, the alpha smell coming off of him was surely soothing to him.

"Yes darling?"

"Is it really nine inches?"

Louis could feel Marcel's breath hitch and it made him let out a tiny giggle. He lightly placed his hand on Marcy crotch and smiled up at him. Harry and Edward were surely going to come soon but Louis wanted some attention from Marcel, alone. Louis had been itching to do something with Marcel ever since the first day of his heat.

"Yes" Marcel said in a soft voice. "Would you like me to prove it to you?" Louis heard his voice suddenly get deeper and he knew something interesting was going to happen.

Louis shifted on Marcel's lap so he was straddling the alpha's lap instead. Marcel took the first move and connected his lips to the younger boy's. The boys' lips melted into each other's perfectly as Louis wrapped his arms around Marcel's neck. Louis felt Marcel dart his tongue down to his bottom lip as a way to ask the boy for permission to enter. Louis gladly parted his lips and Marcel took this chance to brush his tongue against Louis', it surprised him ho soft his kisses are even when they were in such a sex hungry position.  The alpha slowly pulled away from the other boy's lips, lightly biting down on his bottom lip. 

Marcel placed a trail of kisses up Louis' neck before brushing his lips against his earlobe. "You're so goddamn sexy."

The older lad gripped on Louis' plump backside as he grinding his perfectly sculpted hips on him. Feeling the growing bulge pressed on Louis' bum just added more confidence for the boy.

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