Jazzy (Jaz)

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"Jazzy!! Come get out of the ocean and eat!!"

I groaned as I slowly came out of the water doing as much as I could knowing my mom would be inviting our neighbors and family over for the cookout. They always came because my dad was such a good cook. I grabbed my towel and started drying my hair as I walked back up to the house.

"Change out of your swimsuit Jazzy"

"Mom just call me Jaz"

My mom sighed as I walked in and to my room. I was never able to make friends. Sure I was shy, but then everytime I tried, they would call me names and make fun of me. My red curly hair and blue ocean eyes never matched they said. I looked weird they said. I finally just gave up trying to make friends and just lived my life. Sure when I was little people didn't really care, but as I got older, everything became much harder. That's when the kids started noticing what I wore, how I looked, and everything. Soon no one would hang with me, but oh well. 

I took a quick shower and put on some blue jean shorts with a loose white tee. I grabbed my white sandals, phone, and walked out into the backyard. A lot of people were already here. Just about all our neighbors, some people from school with their parents, and most of my family. I guess you could consider us as a rich family with my dad a famous cook and my mom a used to be famous model. She quit after she had me but my dad continued on. Our house had two levels and we were located just minutes away from the beach and ocean.

"Honey you look beautiful"

My mom hugged me and smiled. She finally released me still giving me that smile. All I wanted to do was go to the ocean and away from everyone here.

"Can I go back to the ocean now?"

"Honey go and try to make some friends"

Before I even had a chance to say anything else, my mom walked away to talk to another couple. I sighed as I walked around saying hi to family members as I passed and ignoring everyone from my school. I got a hamburger as soon as my dad put them on the table and a drink with ice. I walked to a table where my family members were sitting and sat the corner. I hated cookouts more than anything. This was all I ever did: walk around doing nothing, eat the food, and wish I was down at the beach.

I looked around at everyone here. My family members were talking ot each other laughing and enjoying the family company once again. The girls sat together either on their phones or checking out cute guys. The guys played football or soccer not noticing the girls staring at them giggling. Then there was me, sitting in a chair alone observing everyone. My mom walked over and sighed.

"Can I go to the beach now?"


I got up happy as ever to finally get away from this place. I walked past parents, avoided the path where the girls sat, and avoided the soccer ball and football flying every which way. I finally made it out of the chaos and to the stairs to the beach. I walked along the wall and jumped down to the grass. I took off my sandals and carried them as I walked along all the rocks on the side till I came to my favorite one. No one could see me from the house or backyard, it was slanted just a bit up so you wouldn't slide down to the sand, and it was somewhat flat. It was the most perfect rock ever.

I sat down and laid my sandals to my side. The sun was beginning to set and it made the ocean look even better with all the colors. I smiled as a cool breeze came over and blew my hair back a bit. I heard footsteps and looked to the left. I was shocked by who I saw.



"Seems nice out here"

"It is"

Keith sat next to me and looked out at the ocean. He had golden brown hair and hazel eyes. He was one of the cool kids at school, played football, and never talked to me. I rolled my eyes. This has to be some dare from one of the other guys. 



"Why did you roll your eyes?"

"It's just a dare"

"What is?"

"That you're here"

"No it's not. I saw you walking down here and decided to find out why you weren't at the party. I see why now. It's beautiful here"

"Yeah. That's the reason"

"Oh so the sunset isn't the reason? Then what is?"

"I don't like cookouts"

"Yeah I kinda noticed that"

You noticed me? Me out of all people?? I gave him a confused look and he just laughed.

"People do notice you you know?"

I shook my head and he smiled at me before looking out at the sun and ocean. So far, all he has said, has confused me. People never acknowledged me, spoke to me, or noticed me. He has to be lying. 

"All the girls will notice me gone, then you gone, and then next week rumours will spread. The all talk about you you know? Most of the time not good words, but you don't just not go unnoticed"

"I find that hard to believe"

"Because you barely have friends?"

"Because I have no friends"

"Well then let's be friends"


"Me and you"

"I guess"

"Give me your phone... Just trust me"

I handed over my phone expecting him to take off running, but he didn't. He turned it on and handed it back over. I looked at it noticing he handed it over for me to put in my password. It took me a while to remember because I was never on my phone. I handed it back over once it was unlocked. He pressed some things and handed it back over.


I looked at my screen and noticed he put his number in, or at least I think it was his number.

"Text me"

"Right now"



His phone made a noise and he showed me his screen and smiled. He did that to let you know it was his phone.. I had no idea how to feel about this. Out of the blue, the most popular guy in school hangs with me.. Me. It was all so strange. None of it felt real. Another cool breeze came over and I got goose bumps. It was getting colder and my clothes weren't all made for warmth.

"You cold?"

"A little yeah"

He scooted over and wrapped his arm around me. I tensed up. I was really shocked, but then again I was cold and he was actually warm.. I relaxed a bit and leaned a bit on him. He squeezed me a bit as we both watched the sun finally went under the water letting the moon cast it's light over the ocean. Everything got quiet and I could hear laughter from the house. Right now a party would be going on and everyone would be active. Some would even be leaving, but I knew for a fact Keith was staying till the end.

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