Kyla Hiding

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Ok before I start this chapter I just want to give a special thanks to purplewillowbird!! Thanks for liking my story! I'm grateful lol. Hope you and everyone else enjoys this chapter! And thank you everyone else!

>Emily's POV<

"What do you mean her parents don't know where she is at?"

This wasn't right. She would've came back home by now.. Did we not see her walk through? Is she sneaking around? Is she dead? I shook off the thoughts. Too disturbing thinking she was dead.

"I saw them coming off a plane, but I didn't see Kyla. So I went up and asked. They said that she didn't come with them since Adam was moving and thought she was here. They practically freaked out when I told them we haven't seen her in forever."

"This is not good. Not good at all! What are we going to do?! We have to tell the others!"

We ran to th fountain, where we usually had our meetings about Kyla and hung out for a while. Jaz and Mack sat there eating ice cream and looking out at the ocean. They heard us running up and turned around.

"What's up?"

"Kyla's parents came back... home and they... don't know where... Kyla is!"

I was panting so hard I had to pause between every few words. They didn't looked shocked at all, which was very very weird. I gave a confused look.

"We already know. They've been searching the whole townever since they got back."


"Yeah. You haven't seen them yet?"

I shook my head.

"That's strange. We've seen them four times already going back and forth"

I sat down as Mack gave me a bite of her ice cream. Brax sat next to me.

"Should we look for her again?"

"I think her parents got this one. Plus we've been looking for her for days. She has to come eat eventually."

I thought over this. How was she getting food? Wasn't she starving? How was she surviving? Where is she hiding?

>Mack's POV<

I got up from the fountain and started walking to the woods.

"Where ya going?!"

"Just walking. I'll be back before dark."

My mind hasn't stopped racing about what I felt in the woods that day. Ever since then, I could sense my mom moving around downstairs even though she was as quiet as a mouse. I had to figure out what was going on, and soon.

I finally made it to the woods. It was cooler with all the shade. Dead leaves crunched beneath my feet while the breeze moved the branches on the trees. The sun lit up the forest in places and made the dark leaves brighter. You would think it was scary, but it wasn't. It was beautiful and peaceful. I heard a woodpecker off in the background. Then a bird singing. I felt a movement on the earth, and looked around, but nothing was there. A couple seconds later a squrriel ran by in front of me. 

I kept walking heading to the meadow. I could hear the laughter of the older girls who could do incredible things. I turned to the right and kept walking. I could feel the pitter-patter of bunnies hopping or squirrels running by. The vibration off trees from the woodpeckers. It was all so weird. I felt something heavier moving, and I looked around. My stomach started twisting and I suddenly felt dizzy. I heard a roar, then took off running.

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