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>Mack's POV<

I remember the Whitney before, my best friend. The Whitney who always got her work done and even finished her homework in class. The Whitney who couldn't stand being late or breaking most rules. The Whitney who came to my house everyday as we studied or watched movies. The Whitney who went shopping with me, helped me through tough times, didn't wear make-up and expensive stuff or heels. The Whitney who would break down crying from stress or just hard times, who was my best friend since we were little. I remember the sweet, kind, funny, generous Whitney. What has she become?

The tears still spilled down my cheeks. I was being pulled up and arms were being wrapped around me. I continued to weep until I finally had enough and just began sniffling. Jordan pushed me away a little to look at me. I knew I looked like shit, but he'd already seen me like this, no point in trying to hide.

"How could she do this to me? Why would she-"

I could feel the tears coming back up to give me around round of snot and pain. I was choking them back as best as I could. Jordan held me tighter.

"She was upset you moved and se got jealous you made new friends, and more than just one. She's jealous of you."

"Why me?"

"Because you're beautiful, smart, and a great person-"

"But she was like me! Now look at her, she's changed and-"

"No like you anymore. Maybe she never was.."


"She could've hid it from you, the real her. And that's the real her. You shouldn't be crying over it anymore. I know, it hurts, but it's going to be ok. Like you said, they're fake friends. They'll leave her and she'll know how it feels. Then she'll come crawling back to you. Or she'll become one of them and tale their place once they leave, just like you said as well. You're so much better than her. The fact she sent that to you puts her way below you, don't let it bother you.."

"But how can I not? It's just so-"

"Painful.. I know, but it's going to be ok."

He took a deep breath and I looked at him. His eyes were glazed over like ice. I pulled away tilting my head, and then rubbed his arm. Then it happened; he broke.

Tears just spilled down his face and he buried his face into his hands. He was shaking and just sobbing. I never seen him like this. I knew he was upset; I could see it by the look in his eyes. I sat there stunned. I sniffled just thinking what to do. This wasn't like a girl crying. This was much different and should be approached differently...I think.

I removed his hands from his face and pulled him to me. I laid my chin on his head. He wrapped his arms around me still sobbing. My heart broke knowing he had been depressed and I never bothered to mention it like he did the first time he talked to me...

>Emily's POV<

"Brax be careful!"

"Oh hush! I am good!"

"You almost ran into a pole a couple minutes ago! You expect me to trust you surrounded by people?"

"You should!"

I shook my head. Even as great as Brax was on a skateboard, he still needed some serious help trying to perfect it. I know I'm not that good, but at least I don't almost run over people and objects!

We finally made it to the skatepark, and safely, just in time to meet up with Katie and Justin. I hopped off and grabbed my skateboard. Brax did the same thing.

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