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>Emily's POV<


Kyla was yelling at the guards now. Mack and Jordan came running up. Mack looked as confused as we did before Kyla told us what happened. 

Kyle had woken Kyla worried that they'd find him, but she tried to reassure him they weren't. She finally had enough and turned her back, that's when they burst in and dragged him out the door and down the stairs. She had sprung out of bed and rushed after him. Her parents and brother came out from their rooms wondering what was going on. She followed them until her brother grabbed her and wouldn't let her go. She was tears the whole night and by morning, she was full out raged with anger.

She decided it was best to come to the castle, even though most of us weren't so sure about it. She was sure about it though.

"Uh yes we can. This boy has been a criminal for years. He will be punished for his actions."

"Did you ever TRY to understand why he did it?"

"He was thief, and a thief is always a thief. Nothing else to it."

"His family was poor!" 

"We are well aware his family was poor, but it doesn't give him the right to do it."

"You don't have the least bit of kindness in your hearts.."

"If we didn't we wouldn't be as kind telling you this"

"If you did you would've forgotten about it! He lived in the woods for years!"

"I think it's time you leave-"

"I will not leave till you let him go!"

The guards just shut the doors right in her face, but she wasn't allowing it. She kept banging her hands on the door until Jordan and Brax finally pulled her away. She fell to the steps and just burst out crying. It was our turn to help.

"I shouldn't have turned my back on him! I should have stayed up with him! I should have watched him or lock the door-"

"They would've broken through it since they got into your house.."

Mack was rubbing her back kneeling beside her as Jaz crouched beside her and out her hand on her shoulder. I stood off awkwardly to the left as Brax and Jordan stood a distance away awkwardly too.

"It's not your fault, you did the best you can to protect him. Maybe your parents will be able to help-"

"I highly doubt that. They would think he deserves to be put in jail for the crimes until he's served his punishment."

"What about your brother?"

"That heartless jerk? Yeah right. He doesn't care about anything but himself"

The doors opened and Flair, Claire, Lilac, and Katie walked out. A little behind them was Jake, Brett, John, and Justin. The girls saw Kyla and stopped to investigate as the guys stayed behind them listening as Kyla told the whole story all over again hicupping between every few words.


I poked at my food. I wasn't hungry even though I haven't ate all day. All I could think about was Kyle stuck in a prison cell all alone with those horrid guards giving him terrible food to eat and treating him like shit.

"Honey you really need to eat"

"I'm just not hungry mom"

Adam glanced at me before I glared at him making him return to his food. My mom wasn't as worried as before but my dad seemed to worry even more.

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