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"Can anyone tell me the answer to this porblem? Anyone?"

Everyone looked around at everyone else in the room. Not even my friends knew the answer. I sighed and continued scribbling on my paper on the desk. The problem wasn't all that hard, but I guess most people where figuring out the full answer rather than the expression to it.

"Mack? Can you give me the answer to this question?"

I froze. Everyone looked in my direction. I slowly lifted my head up. I didn't like a bunch of people paying attention to me. It felt all too awkward.

"The answer is 100 times Pi"


The teacher went back to explaining on the board as I looked back down. Everyone stared at me for a while before the teacher got onto them about paying attention if they wanted to make a good grade on the test. My friends were giving me thumbs up before studying the board and writing down notes. 

Once class was over, Whitney walked with me to our next class. We had the exact same schedule besides the part where she was in art while I was stuck with gym. Don't get me wrong, I was pretty good in gym, but not like everyone else in that class. I wasn't picked last, but I surely wasn't picked first. Right now we were walking to our science class. Whitney always drew when we did partner projects and I wrote down everything.

"So do you know when you are moving?"

"Not yet. My mom has been talking about it for so long, but yet we're still here"

"Hopefully she changes her mind. Who are we going to take to the spelling bee finals?!"


"But you're wayy better than me!"

I rolled my eyes and continued researching as Whitney colored a turtle she drew. Each group had to choose an animal and research it. It was due in 3 days and today was our 2nd day working on it. Whitney and I were almsot done. I was always too busy at home reading to research anymore. My dad always loved to read and when he passed away, I took reading into consideration and just loved it even more than before.

"Wait you're going to move?!"


"You can't leave!! You're like the smartest person in the entire school!!"

"Don't think that can hold me back from leaving.."

"Main point is:You just can't leave us!"

"Well technically I can.."

"Well we don't want you to"

"I don't have control over what my mom wants to do"

"How long has she been telling you that?"

Fred pulled a chair over and sat with us. He was one of my friends but hung with the guys more often. People seemed to acknowledge me more now that word had gotten around our class about me moving. Some people out of our class knew but I had no idea how.

"3 months?"

"Well maybe she changed her mind"

"Or she is waiting for the school year to end since it is almost to an end"

"Have things been disappearing in your house? Any boxes laying around?"

"I have no idea. I'm usually up in our tree reading. My mom even has to bring me food because I like never leave till night"


"I know right. She reads 24/7"

I was a little hurt because I don't think Whitney knew exactly why I loved to read so much. I really felt closer to my dad when I read. I read everyday and just about all day too, even weekends. I even read some of my dads old books but I didn't like them too well.

The school day was finally over and I was super relieved. I walked home with Whitney till we came up to her house, then walked the rest of the way alone. I didn't live too far away from the school, but it was also a long way.

*Almost home?*


*Get your food before you go to the tree. I'm really busy*


I put my phone back in my back pocket and continued on. There wasn't many people out and our neighborhood was somewhat peaceful. There wasn't any kidnappers really, but lots of screaming children. I saw the bus stop at the end of my road. I waved and he waved back before heading off for the day. I walked by house after house until I finally reached mine near the end. I walked into the house and dropped my bookbag on the floor. I grabbed my book and sat at the counter to eat my food.

"Hi sweetie"

"Hey. You seem exhausted"

"I am. I've been so busy all day. I just made that for you"

"Thanks. It's good. What were you busy with?"


I choked on my sandwich and looked at my mom.

"We're really moving?!"

"Yes. I'm sorry but I think we might need to get out of here.."

My mom said it with such a sad voice I knew what she meant by it. She took dads passing away the hardest. She just wanted to move because this place reminded her of dad so much. I understood why, but I still really didn't want to. For one, I had no idea where we were moving. Second of all, I had no idea if we were coming back. 

I finished eating my food and headed outside with my book. I had to be inside by 7 to start packing some of my stuff. We weren't taking everything with us, but most things. I walked to the tree and threw my book into the treehouse. If it rained I stayed inside the treehouse, but if it wasn't, I was on top of it sitting on the branch right above it. It wasn't raining today so I had to get on the branch.

M:I am moving. I have to start packing at 7

F:What?! No!!

W:Where are you moving too?

M:I have no idea

F:Your mom didn't tell you?


W:Did you ask?

M:Sorta, then I came outside

W:To read?

M:You know it

F:You read a lot. I wish I could do that. I've been trying to become more sporty

M:I've realized that. All that football stuff this year

F:Haha yeah

I put my phone on silent and opened my book. I was more than halfway done with it and was hoping to finish it soon. Hopefully before we moved, and hopefully I'd be able to get more books before we move. The school year was almost over and it was obvious we were waiting till it was.

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