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"Mary you have to believe me!!"

"There is a storm coming but even the news said there shouldn't be a tornado!"

"But I know there will be Mary!!"

"You're just being paranoid Emily!!"

"No I'm not!! I want everyone to be safe!!"

"Emily you're starting to scare me!!"

"Hey!  Hey! What's wrong?"

"Emily keeps saying there will be a tornado!!"

"I can feel it mom!!"

My mom's eyes widened but shook her head. She brought us inside and we sat down at the table.

"Just because the people on news say there won't be one, doesn't mean it won't happen. They don't know everything, it's just their prediction."

"So there could?"

"Yes, but it is highly unlikely, we haven't had a tornado here for years, I'm sure there won't be one tonight"

"But mom!"


I slumped down and ate a cookie. The wind started howling outside and it began to pour down water. Mary and I were best friends and have been ever since I started school. We done everything together. She came to all my birthday parties and she was surely going to come when I turned 10. It was easy for me to make friends, and somewhat for Mary, she was a bit shy, but not with me around.

"So how was school?"

"It was good. I got to help the nurse today"

"Oh that's nice.."

"Is something wrong Mrs. G?"

"Just wondering where my husband is. I'm sure he is fine though.."

My mom walked away from the window and sat down at the table with us. Mary and I had already ate most of the cookies and was barely any left for my dad. Mary always thought I was crazy when I said there would be a storm, but then soon there was. For me, it was strange, but for her it was just a coincidence.

We headed to the living room to watch tv. Mary always stayed with us till her parents got off work and it was pretty late when they did. Mom watched the news as I looked out the window. The trees danced around with leaves flying off and everywhere. The rain hit the window hard and then thunder came with a loud BOOM! The lightening was bright and lit up the sky. I knew this was going to be a bad storm...with a tornado.



Mary tackled me and stuck a box in my face. I grabbed it as she helped me back up. I dusted off my shorts and smiled.

"What's this?"

"It's a going away present"

"You know you didn't have to-"

"But I wanted to. Opeeennn itttt"

I laughed as I opened up the box. There was a heart locket inside. It was gold with a diamond stuck right in the middle. I held it up and gasped. It was beautiful.

"Now open that"

Mary was smiling like crazy. I opened the box and read it. Mary and Emily BFFL I smiled and put it on. Mary reached around her neck and pulled out another one. Friendship necklaces. We laughed as we walked to school once together once again.

My parents had told me that we were moving just a couple days ago. Everything in town was a bit crazy. The tornado a few years back killing Mary's parents and then the tree falling over in our neighbors yard, it was crazy. I didn't know where we were moving yet but I do know it was pretty far away.

"Hey Emily!"

"Hi Emily!"

"Hey Emily did you finish that assignment for math?"

"Yeah why?"

"I need some help with it"

"Meet me at The Tree"


We walked into school being greeted by everyone. We weren't popular but everyone seemed to know us. I helped a lot of people with their work or problems. I guess everyone just thanked me for it by acknowledging me for it. Luke ran up and gave me a hug.

"Hey! I'm going to miss you when you go away!!"

"Ha I'm going to miss you too!!"

Luke was my best guy friend. He taught me a lot of things while my parents were away. Last year he got me a skateboard for my 12th birthday and then taught me how to ride it. He seemed more like a brother in a way just like Mary was like a sister. She really would've been because my mom said she could take care of her but her aunt said it was no problem and moved here.

"I got you this"

"Why is everyone getting me stuff?!"

We all laughed as I opened the box to find a CD by my favorite artist!!!!!! I squealed before throwing my arms around Luke's neck and hugging him. Demi Lovato was my favorite artist and he got me the CD that hadn't even came out yet!!

"How did you even get this for me?!"

"I have my ways"

"Luke. Did you do something illegal again?"

We all laughed.

"Not this time. My dad has this friend in the UK and they were giving away her new album and she got it and yep"

"You're the best!!"

I gave him another hug as Mary punched my arm. We laughed before heading out to The Tree. The Tree was a place I was always at. It was where I became friends with many people, including Mary and Luke. Soon it began to be called The Tree. It was where I helped people with their work, ate lunch, and where I was at during my free time. If you couldn't find me, the first place you'd look was The Tree.

"Ok so what's the problem?"

"I'm stuck on the last question but I'm not sure how to do it"

"That's easy"

I helped her step through step and by the end she got it and was off to hang with her friends. Mary was trying to kill an ant with a stick and Luke was trying to climb The Tree. I facepalmed myself looking at the two of them. Throughout the whole day of school, everyone was talking to me and how they'll miss me. I got a bunch of hugs and some even cried. I actually felt like crying.

"Wow. There's a lot of people who'll miss you"

"I know right"

"But I'll miss you the most!!"

Luke hugged me and I laughed. Mary gave me a wink and looked from Luke to me. I rolled my eyes as he let go. We all walked to my house and to the treehouse. It was built after that freak tornado came through not that far away a couple years back. I didn't want to leave because all my friends were here. Mary and Luke noticed me and we got into a group hug as I began to cry.

"It's going to be ok. We'll visit you or you'll visit us. We'll video chat if we have to!!"

"We're going to miss you too Emily"

"Thanks guys. I'm going to miss yall too"

They began crying and in the end, we all began laughing thinking back at all the memories we had together. Halloween, my birthday parties, me falling off bikes/skateboards, and everything in between. There was one more group hug, before I left miles and miles away.

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