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It was 12:00 and you were chatting with seven like normal

707: what are you doing today?

"I have to meet someone and all I know is there name is Luciel."

Yoosung: that's sevens real name but there's probably lots of Luciels in the world

"Lol did seven request to meet me?"

707: *changes subject*

"*changes subject back*"

707: let me change the subject


707: lol it's late don't you have somewhere to be

"Lol I do I guess I have to go."

707: and I have to go to work lol

"Love ya yoosung and see ya seven."

Yoosung: bie suster

707: I'm hurt no love for me?

Y/n has left the chatroom

You go to the park just to see a guy with a hoodie like sevens up

"Who are you why did you ask to meet me?"

"It's great to see you again y/n."

"Just tell me who you are and what you want now!!"

The stranger takes off there hoodie and smiles at you

"I missed you."


"Hi y/n."

You just glare at him as tears well up in your eyes

"I see you came back from dead."

"Sorry about that."

"Whatever I'm leaving."

You just turn to leave but Saeyoung stopped you


You just glare at him as tears fell from your eyes

"Why Saeyoung?


"Why did you lie to me that you died? I was so broken after that."

"I'm sorry I didn't want you to get hurt from my work."

"Then a simple hey y/n I'm scared for you stay away from me for a few years or something like that."


"Just leave me alone."

"Y/n!!!!!" Saeyoung yells as you run home

~time skip~

You go on the chatroom to find only zen online

Zen: hey y/n ;)

"Leave me alone!!!"

Zen: you seem angrier then normal

"Well when you find out your ex isn't dead after years no shit I'm angry."

707 has entered the chatroom

707: hi y/n how did your meeting go?

"Just because I didn't say it don't think I didn't figure it out I said DON'T. TALK. TO. ME!!!!"

Zen: what's going on?

707: Ok I'm sorry I lied but it was to protect you y/n

"So making me depressed for years was your answer?"

707: I'm sorry

"Sorry doesn't cut it I thought you died if I'm not on the chatroom everyone I'm crying."

707: y/n wait

Y/n has left the chatroom

707: I know you'll read this later y/n I'm sorry ok I shouldn't have pretend to be dead I'm an idiot I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive me

Zen: wtf is going on?

707: nothing

Zen: wait y/n said she just found out her ex is alive seven ARE YOU HER EX!?

707: *changes subject*

Zen: seven are you?


707 has left the chatroom

You just sat on the couch with ice cream watching horror movies

"Oh fuck you bitch you should have died you fucking got stabbed in the heart." You yell at the tv as someone knocks on the door

You didn't answer just turned up the volume 

*who ever it is doesn't know the apartment passcode so they can go die*

But suddenly the door opened 

"What the hell?" You turn around and throw a pillow at them


"Fuck off Saeyoung."

But that stupid red head just sat down beside you

"You gonna play the movie or not."

You just got up and left the apartment but he followed you out

You didn't even wear shoes

"Go away please."


"Saeyoung leave me alone."

You start walking to Yoosungs which is close by your old apartment

"Please listen to me."

"How about no."

You walk into Yoosungs apartment building

Saeyoung wouldn't give up he still followed

You just opened the door and slammed it on Saeyoungs face

"Sister glad you came to visit me I'm in the middle of a game of LOLOL so just make yourself at home."

You knew Saeyoung was most likely waiting a few minutes then he was gonna knock on the door

*i just want him to leave me alone he lied to me for years that he was dead and I was so depressed for all these years now I'm even more depressed*

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