Marry me?

445 17 3

Today you went out shopping for food you crave a lot of food especially chips and pop but you crave a lot of other food as well

On your way home you stopped and left Yoosung his food because really all he eats is ramen and chips so you at least make sure he eats at least a balanced diet

"Yoosung look I have to go and make sure saeran and saeyoung don't fight."

"Oh ok see ya." Yoosung says still looking at his computer

"Also looking at a screen all day melts your brain so bye zombie brother." You say chuckling as you walk out

*Heh that'll make him stop playing LOLOL for at least 2 days* you think walking to the bunker and when you get there and put the food way you notice saeyoung no where to be found

"SAEYOUNG!?" You yell but no answer

You were worried what if saeyoung agency came back for him?

"SAEYOUNG!?" You say worriedly running into the bedroom to find your red head boyfriend sitting on the bed waiting for you

"Hey babe."

"Oh hey did you not here me?"

"No I did but I've been waiting for you I made dinner for us."

"Um what about your brother?"

"He's fine he's eating takeout I ordered for him so we get dinner to ourselves."

"Oh ok."

|Time skip|

Apparently Saeyoung made dinner and you were shocked at this because it was f/f

"Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" You ask and saeyoung smiles at you

"I'm right here I think you need glasses." Saeyoung says and you chuckle slightly but then saeyoung asks you to remember the first time you both met

"The very first time?"


"So when we were kids and I met you at the church with V and Rika."

"That's right and for weeks we just played at the nearby play ground and one day you meet saeran when I sneaked him out."

"Yeah but why are you wanting me to remember that?"

Saeyoung walks over and pulls out a red velvet box and goes down on one knee

"Y/n m/n Kim will you marry me?"

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