The kittens name

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"Ok let's name the kitten jasmine." Saeyoung says and you nod as you pick her up

"Hi Jasmine." You say and the kitten meows at you then licks your face and you laugh

"Hey y/n looks like were parents."

You blush as the kitten jumps out of your arms as Saeyoung walks closer to you

"Nothing to say?"

"You didn't give me enough time to think it of something."


"I would rather a real baby." You say getting super close to saeyoung and he blushes

"Oh........Ah." Saeyoung was as almost as red as his hair thinking of having a kid with you

"But a kitten will have to do." You just walk off to your laptop leaving saeyoung a blushing mess

Saeyoung sat on the ground and the kitten rubs against his leg

Saeyoung looks over at the kitten

"She's gonna be the death of me one day." Saeyoung says petting the kitten as it starts to purr

*But, right now I can't have kids with y/n because of my agency how can I even get out of it so how can I raise a kid? What if I have to run and change my name? How could I leave y/n alone to take care of a kid a child. And I wouldn't know how many years I would have to be gone as I'm on the run. The kid could be 1 when I leave and 8 when I return I couldn't do that to y/n*

You notice Saeyoung looking upset and stuff

"You ok babe?"

"Hmmm? Yeah I'm fine just thinking of something y/n."

You nod


*Even if I want kids with y/n I can't until I somehow get out of my agency maybe I can ask jumin for help when I want to get out of it*

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