The past

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(This is a flashback to when you and saeyoung first met and stuff)

You were walking out of church with V and Rika and your brother when you bump into a red head and you both fall to the ground

The red headed boy helps you up and fixes his glasses

"Sorry." He says and you smile at him

"It's fine I should watched where I was going I'm sorry." You say and the boy nods shyly

"I should have as well so I'm sorry as well."

"Anyways I'm y/n Kim what's your name?"

"Saeyoung choi and this is my twin brother saeran."

"Well this is my older brother Yoosung."

"It's nice to meet you both!" Your brother says smiling at them

After that day you always met up with saeyoung and sometimes saeran and you grew a crush on saeyoung but you never knew that they were being abused if you knew then you would have told someone

"Y/n if you ever get hurt I promise I'll save you and I'll always come back to you." Saeyoung says blushing as you both eat ice cream as you were teaching him coding

"Awww me too saeyoung and I'll always find you because of my coding skills."

Saeyoung smiles and then he kisses your cheek

"Anyways I have to go y/n goodbye I'll see you again one day."

But the next day saeyoung just disappeared and saeran was staying with Rika and V which confused you

"Where's saeyoung?" You ask and V says he's busy and you nod

Then you just hangout with saeran but then again be disappeared and you felt sad that your two friends were gone but you got over it and invested your time in hacking and learning to code and stuff

And you even made it into a job after you finished high school and one day as you were doing a job you hacked into someone's computer and all without knowing it was your childhood friend you got what you needed for your client but then your brother called you so you got up and left and what you didn't know was saeyoung was hacking into your computer

Saeyoung clicks to see who did it and then he noticed the background was of him and his childhood friend she took the photo saying she always wants to remember him even if he leaves one day

Saeyoung smiles

"I found you y/n I did promise I'd always find you but it looks like you found me before I found you."

You sit back at your computer still talking to your brother and saeyoung was looking at what you look like now and he blushes as he looked at your pictures you were always with your brother or some of your friends there was one where two of your friends who are girls and twins thought it was funny to kiss your cheek at the same time as you all took a picture together

Saeyoung smiles he was happy you were living a good life he always thought about you since he left

But then he thought about why you were hacking so he kept looking and found you became a freelance hacker and someone paid you a lot of money to hack into his computer so you didn't even know it was him

Saeyoung then texts you from your number he found and you look at the number and text them back confused

????????: hey y/n long time no see

You: uh who are you? And how did you get my number?

????????: that's a secret but you know who I am and I know who you are

You: I'm busy I don't wanna play your mind games if you wot tell me your gonna get blocked

????????: ok wait I have one thing to tell you that will give me away

You: ok what is it?

????????: I found you like I promised

You think then you look at your computer background and start to cry as it saeyoung?

You: saeyoung?

Saeyoung: ding ding ding also you just hacked into my computer and I saw it all happen and then hacked into yours and saw your computer background which gave you away

You laugh as you smile

You: I missed you so much

Saeyoung: I missed you too

You and saeyoung then text for months and weeks and then saeyoung and you met up and a week after you and saeyoung started hangout in your apartment one day you both let that you both love each other slip at the same time

You both were laughing at a joke then you both said at the same time

"Gosh I love you."

You both looked at each other shocked and blushing

From that day forward you and saeyoung started to date and one day saeyoung said he was going on a mission and then you got a text from his number

Saeyoung: Hi miss After we killed agent 707 we took his phone and saw your screen name said girlfriend so I thought you'd like to know I just killed your boyfriend enjoy living without him

The truth is saeyoung got vamderwood to send that text and he was crying the whole time vanderwood sent it but his boss almost found out about you and his boss would definitely kill you if he found out about you and saeyoung couldn't let that happen

*I'm so sorry y/n*

"What did she say?" Saeyoung asks vanderwood too scared to look at the texts

"She told me to go kill my self and burn in hell she said if she ever finds me she'll murder me you know a bunch of threats."

"I had to do it to protect her even if it means breaking her heart."

*I'm so sorry y/n I wish it didn't have to end like this*

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