Dont ever leave me again!

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When you got back to the apartment all you would do was hug saeyoung

He had to rest so you both were laying on the bed

But you wouldn't let go of him you were scared if you did he would disappear and you would never see him again

"I'm fine y/n I'm not gonna disappear if you stop hugging me." Saeyoung says but you don't stop hugging him you couldn't

"Promise me to never fake your death again!" You say looking at saeyoung with tears in your eyes

Saeyoung kisses your forehead and smiles

"I promise."

"And also let me go back into my laptop please."

"Later right now I just wanna cuddle with you." Saeyoung says pulling you closer to him

"And don't you dare ever leave me again saeyoung."

"I'd never dream of it."


Suddenly something popped into your mind something you forgot

"Saeyoung did you figure out why saeran was here?"

Saeyoung looked away from you

"I guess not." You say and saeyoung looks back at you

"No I haven't but if I do find out why and where he is I'm going to get him."

"I'm coming with you." You say and saeyoung looks at you like he didn't like that idea


"He's my friend and I want answers on why he changed." You say and Saeyoung sighs

"Ok but can you answer this question for me?"

"Hmmm? What is it?"

"Why haven't you told Yoosung your a hacker."

"Because he's Yoosung and he's my protective older brother if he knew I was hacking for money he would try and stop me."

"Makes sense."

"So he will never find out."

Saeyoung sighs

"One day he may find out."

"One day but hopefully he finds out a way he won't be to angry with me."

Saeyoung kisses you

"I missed you so much." He says as he moves some of your hair behind your ear

You smile at saeyoung

"I'm sorry for being stubborn."

"It's not your fault it's mine I faked my death."

"Yeah but it was to protect me."

"Yeah your right."

"One day this will be a funny memory to tell people." You say smiling and saeyoung smirks

"Like our future kids?" He asks and you stop smiling and start to turn red faced

"Your face is almost as red as my hair." Saeyoung teases and you stop hugging him and turn around pretending to be annoyed

Saeyoung hugs you

"Ok I'm sorry y/n."

You turn back around and hug saeyoung again

"Don't make me punch you idiot."

Saeyoung laughs

"Ok y/n I'm sorry I was only teasing."

"You better have been."

*I missed her so much I'm so happy to have her back......Wait we are together again right!?*

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