Saeyoung gets kidnapped

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Today you woke up and the normal arms wrapped around you weren't there so you just thought saeyoung got up to maybe try and talk with Saeran or make breakfast

You get up but everything was quiet you knew something had to be wrong

You run to saerans room and see him asleep you then run around the bunker but no sign of saeyoung

You then sat down on the couch and cried

A few minutes later saeran woke up and saw you crying

"Y/n?" He asks confused and you look over at him

"Saeyoung is gone."

|Saerans pov|

Those three words made me want to cry did my brother abandon me and his pregnant girlfriend? Again?

No something is wrong he was looking forward to being a dad he wouldn't get up and leave

I ran into saeyoungs office with y/n following behind me crying

I get into his security camera feed and go back until I see a woman? No it was a man with long brown hair dragging him out of his bedroom and when y/n saw the person she started to cry even more

"Who is he?" I ask her and she takes a deep breath before speaking

"Vanderwood a person who works with Saeyoung in his agency and basically saeyoungs maid well that's what saeyoung called him so, if vanderwood took saeyoung then his agency kidnapped him." Y/n says and she starts to cry even more

Great my stupid brother got himself kidnapped and now I have to cheer up his moody pregnant girlfriend

|Your pov|

"Y/n you shouldn't really stay here if saeyoung did get kidnapped then they can use you against him." Saeran says and you glare at him

"Leaving you alone no you could run back to mint eye you really think I'd let that happen!" You say and saeran sighs

But suddenly there was a knock on the door and you see Yoosung outside from the security camera

*What is my brother doing here?*

You go to the door and open it

"Hey Yoosung come on in." You say and Yoosung look kinda nervous

"Um sis?" He says as you walk to where saeran was


"Um jumin got a message from sevens agency saying they have him and that they are gonna kill him." Yoosung says and tears well up in your eyes

"Saeran I'll need your help to get saeyoung back." You say and he nods

"I'll help!" Yoosung says and you nod

"Ok." You say walking into saeyoung office and you go onto his computer and Yoosung walks with you

"Uh Sis you really think you'll be able to by pass sevens security?" Yoosung says and you start to type by guessing his password then you start hacking into it

"I've done it before so it should be easy." You say and Yoosung looked confused

Saeran was leaning against the door as he waits for whatever you were doing

You finally get in then you go and hack into the agency's system and change a few things without them noticing and Yoosung was shocked he didn't know you could hack

You removed saeyoung from their system and you found out where he was you also deleted all records of him even being a hacker there

After that was done you sent a message to his boss saying if he doesn't give saeyoung back you'll ruin him and his agency

After that was done you look over at saeran

"Hey Saeran can you get my hacking stuff?" You ask and he nods and walks to we're it was as Yoosung looked shocked

"Sis you can hack?" He says shocked and you sigh

"Yoosung I'm a hacker." You say and he looked shocked and worried

"But I'm not working for an agency like Saeyoung I'm a freelance one people email me on what to hack then I do it then they pay me." You say and Yoosung nods

"Why didn't you just tell me?"  He asks and you sigh

"I was worried you might be angry or something." You say and Yoosung shakes his head

"If you get hurt then I'll get angry sis!" He says and you nod

*But now all I have to do is wait for a reply from saeyoungs boss*

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