In labour

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Later that night saeyoung woke up to the bed wet of course you've peed the bed a few times and he's dealt with it, like your a pregnant woman you can't control your bladder 

But he saw you awake this time looking shocking and you shaking him which he just realized


"Finally your awake saeyoung I think the twins are coming." You say as you had one hand on saeyoung and the other on your baby bump

Saeyoung shot up and grabbed everything you all needed then got saeran and drove to the hospital which saeran fell back to sleep in the car which he got even more annoyed when he was woken up and brought into the hospital and nurses took you and saeyoung dragged saeran with him and told a few nurses that he can't have saeran out of his sight and they said it's fine and saeyoung even explained everything and the nurses and doctors were very reasonable with saeran being in the room

"Saeyoung I'm scared." You say and saeyoung kisses you

"Hey it's fine everything will be ok don't worry."

"Do I have to be here?" Saeran says annoyed and Saeyoung nods

"Yes I can't have you running back to mint eye so you stay here." Saeyoung says and Saeran rolls his eyes

You then yell as another contraction was coming

"Ok y/n remember what we practiced breath ok." Saeyoung says and you nod

|hours later|

Saeran ended up fainting as you were pushing one of the twins out of you

"Ok miss kim one last big push and your done."

You do and you and saeyoung hear crying and the nurse takes one baby as saeran was passed out on a couch in the room

"Well rest miss Kim you don't have much time before the next one comes." The doctor says as you were breathing heavily and sweating a lot

"You ok babe?" Saeyoung asks and you nod

"Yeah I'm fine so tired though." You say and Saeyoung nods as he was still holding your hand

After a few more minutes the doctor then says to get ready because the other is coming now


After another push the other one was born and you smiled at saeyoung and he kisses you

"You did great babe I'm so proud of you." Saeyoung says and you smile at him and breath heavily

"Sir Miss Kim will need rest we can bring you to where the twins are."

Saeran was awake and he looked at saeyoung

"Hey bro what are the twins names?"

"Oh we picked......."

(Here you guys get to choose the twins names the most voted ones will be the twins names)

1. Ethan

2. Aaron

3. Lucas

4. Daniel

5. Ty

6. Grayson

7. Patrick

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