Everything will be ok

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Saeyoung was still nervous about stuff but you calmed him down easily

You were eating honey Buddha chips when saeyoung walks over

"Your eating those more then me y/n." Saeyoung says and you look over

"Cravings." You say and saeyoung smiles and walks over

"Hey little ones when your older both of us will eat honey Buddha chips together since you like them so much." Saeyoung says and you smile at him and kiss his forehead

"Now my bag is empty get me more."

"Y/n what about something else."

"Saeyoung chips now!" You say glaring at him and he gets up and gets you more chips

"Of course anything you want y/n." he says running off to get you more chips

"He's like a dog." Saeran says and you chuckle

"Wait until you have kids
Saeran then you'll understand he just doesn't want to get me angry since I'm pregnant."

"Like I'd ever have kids ew no." Saeran says walking off and getting more ice cream

Saeyoung comes back and hands you three bags of chips

"Awwwww thanks Saeyoung you got me three bags your so nice." You say as you start to cry and Saeyoung just opens the first bag for you and you then take it and eat the chips

*I really wanna laugh because y/n is crying over chips but I don't wanna die* saeyoung thinks as he looks at you eat the whole bag of chips you ate them so quickly

"Hey y/n you sure you don't want something healthy like eating just chips isn't good for you."

"Take your own advice."

"Ok but what else are you craving?"


"What you want on it."

"I want a pizza I just want pizza saeyoung."

"Got we'll get pizza for dinner."

"Ok now hand me the other bag." You say crumbling the bag of empty chips and saeyoung then walks over to you with the bags of chips and then he opens them and feeds them to you

"Even better you're basically my own personal servant." You say and saeyoung laughs

*i'm so happy y/n is pregnant like I couldn't be happier that she is me and her are gonna have a two kids together even if I'm anxious I know everything will be ok*

(Question should I time skip a few months later to when your at your due date or Na?)

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