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You just stare at Saeyoung shocked

"I don't know......."

"Just with my job I'm scared to have kids right now so if your pregnant I don't know what we'll do."

"We could I don't know ask the RFA or my parents for help?"

"Aren't your parents like don't like the whole sex before marriage thing?" Saeyoung says and your nod 

"Yeah but I'm an adult they can't really control me much anymore."

"They never could but I first need to find saeran."

"Of course."

"And don't tell me if your pregnant until after we find Saeran because then I won't let you come with me."

"I know I won't saeyoung."

Saeyoung kisses you and you kiss him back

A few seconds later Saeyoung pulls away

"I should try and locate Saeran."

You nod

"Ok Saeyoung." You say

|Time skip|

You went to the convenience store and got a pregnancy test

When you got back you put the chips you bought away

Then you go to the washroom and take the test

You waited for what felt like hours and when you finally look at the test it was positive

*I'm pregnant* You say with a smile as you put a hand over where the baby would be

You then quickly hide the test in a box of pads because no guy would even think of looking in a box of pads

You then walk out

"You ok y/n?" Saeyoung asks and you nod

"Yeah I'm fine saeyoung."

"You were in there for quite awhile." He says eyeing you suspiciously

"Yeah Sorry."

Saeyoung nods

"It's fine just was worried for you that's all y/n." Saeyoung says and you walk over to him and kiss his cheek

"I'm fine."

*I can't tell Saeyoung until after we find Saeran and save him but maybe me telling saeran once we find him will help him who knows I'll have to try it*

You start to think about having a family with Saeyoung

*I can't wait to tell him*

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