Saeyoung gets kidnapped part 2

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|Saeyoungs pov|

I was tied to a chair my eyes were closed and I couldn't open them I was so tired but I heard talking it was my boss

"I swear this stupid hacker how dare they threatening me? But they must have found something on me dammit!" He says and I was only thinking one thing is it y/n?

*Y/n are you trying to save me? No she can't she's pregnant she can't come here to save me so what's her plan?* I think as I open my eyes

I was staring at the ground as blood drips from my face

*Y/n please be safe*

|Your pov|

You told jumin everything about where saeyoung was and that you found out because your a hacker you told him everything that you've got and found

"Thanks y/n we'll go and get him." Jumin says and you stop him

"Ok but please bring him back to me I can't lose him I can't ever lose him not again." You say as you start to cry dang pregnancy hormones

"Yes of course y/n." Jumin says leaving and you could feel more tears well up in your eyes

*Saeyoung please come back to me safe and sound I need you in my life I can't lose you ever again* you think as you just sit down on the couch hoping that saeyoung was fine and he was alive

|Time Skip|

It was starting to get dark when suddenly a security guard came in with saeyoung he was beaten up and bloody he was also super dazed

Your ran over and hugged him

You sat on the ground holding saeyoung as his blood dropped onto you but you didn't care

"Saeyoung can you hear me?" You ask him and he opens his eyes as he looks through his broken glasses at you and smiles slightly

"Y/n?" He says weakly and you nod as tears fall from your face and onto him

You wipe them off and kiss him

"Yes it's me saeyoung." You say and he smiles as he closes his eyes and falls asleep

Saeran ends up helping you move him to the couch which the kitten was laying on so you had to get it off so saeyoung could rest but the kitten jumped back on and cuddled beside saeyoung

*get well soon saeyoung*

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