Ethan and Grayson

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|helped by Lilith|

You were woken up in the middle of the night by crying coming from the baby monitor and then saeyoung jumped up and ran into the nursery as fast as he could as you laid there trying to get up and after a few more seconds you finally did

And when you get there you see saeyoung holding them

"Don't worry they just need their diapers changed I got this super dad to the rescue!" Saeyoung says and you nod and go back to bed as you smiled

|The next morning|

You had woken up at 5 and couldn't go back to bed so you just stayed with Ethan and Grayson they were asleep again after you fed them once again

You get a text saying I'm back bitch it was your ex boyfriends number who he was put in jail for abusing you and now he's out isn't he? You wanted to text Yoosung and tell him but he'd just go full protective brother mode making him get protective and you don't know if he'd then tell saeyoung

You just had kids and you're engaged to the love of your life your finally happy no don't say he's gonna ruin it

Saeyoung walked in and saw how deep in though you were

"Babe hey good morning." He says and you smiled at him as you hid your phone from him

You kissed him and smiled

"You know we should take the boys out since they've been born they've been stuck in this windowless bunker I think some sunlight will be great for all of us." Saeyoung says and you nod as you kissed him again and he was kinda confused to see you really affectionate today

"Sure we can I need fresh air."

"You ok?" Saeyoung asks and you nod

"Yeah I'm fine I just love you so much." You say and saeyoung knew something was up but decided not to pressure you to tell him

"Ok well how about in the afternoon we go outside later." Saeyoung says and you nod

"Ok well you hungry I can make breakfast." 

"Can I have you?"

"No." you say chuckling as you and saeyoung then kisses your cheek and smiles

*I know something is up with her she seems scared well I'll wait and see if she comes to me if not I'm asking her about it*

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