Doctor appointment part 2

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"Congrats it's twins and there two little boys." The doctors says and you and Saeyoung smile at each other happily you both were having two little baby boys but if they were anything like saeyoung they were gonna be a lot of work

|Time skip|

You and saeyoung get home and see saeran handcuffed to a mental pole which shocked you you know saeyoung said he had an idea on how to make sure saeran doesn't run but really?

"Can you stupid idiot red head un handcuff me now? My fucking hand hurts." Saeran says and you sigh as you look at saeyoung

"Really?" You say and saeyoung nods

"Yes it was the only way I could think of so he doesn't try and escape." Saeyoung says and you facepalm

"We could have brought him with us you know."

"Where on earth did you two even go?" Saeran asks annoyed as saeyoung gets the cuffs off of him

"A doctors appointment you know to find out the babies genders." You say and Saeran nods as he rubs his wrist

"Heh cool......Wait you said babies!?" Saeran says shocked and you nod as you put a hand over your baby bump

"Twins there both boys."


But saeyoung started to think of stuff which he didn't want to think of he wished he wouldn't think of stuff like this because deep down he knew it wasn't true and wasn't gonna happen but he couldn't stop the thoughts

*What if they turn out to be like me and saeran or what if I turn into my mother and hurt my kids? I don't wanna be like my mother or my father I don't want my kids to deal with that but I'm scared that'll I'll become them*

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