Teasing Saeyoung

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|Written by Lilith|

(I spend most of my life on tumblr and Pinterest so yeah I have a lot of ideas for this 😏)

Today you decided to tease saeyoung with the outfit he got you

He went out to get food and you quickly got dressed and hide under the covers and waited for him

When he got back he was confused but then realized you were under the covers

He sets down the bag and takes off his coat and walks over to you

"Oh now where is my beautiful girlfriend?" He says and you meow which makes him confused

Saeyoung then thinks it the kitten but then sees it on top of the couch asleep so it was you and it made him blush even more

"Ok so do I have to come and get you or will you come out?"

You didn't answer so Saeyoung took off his hoodie and then went under the covers to find you

He saw a glimpse of you before he was tackled and you both fell off the bed

"Dang babe I didn't know you liked it rough."

Saeyoung fix's his glasses then looks up at you and blushes even more seeing what you were wearing

"Oh." He says staring directly at your chest

"Like what you see?" You say and he nods
You take off the sheet from on top of you and saeyoung and then start to make out with Saeyoung on the ground

You and saeyoung both them somehow end up on the bed with you on top of him

You slip your tongue in and yours and saeyoungs tongues fight

He won like always but thats how you like it

After a while of teasing Saeyoung he finally speaks

"Ah. Y/n. I. Have. To. Go. Do. My. Work." He says in between kisses and you stop kissing Saeyoung and look at him

"No you have to do me."

(So should you become pregnant or Na?

-Lilith out

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