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Craig's POV

"Craig, wake up." I heard Ruby's voice say.
I opened my eyes and saw her trying to get me up.
My stomach still hurt like hell but not as much as it did yesterday.
"We're leaving for school in about an hour so we need to get ready." She said.
I groaned as I sat up.
I really didn't want to go but I had to.
I slowly got out of bed and stretched out my arms.
"I'm gonna go get dressed, you can take a shower if you want." She said as she stood up from the edge of my bed.
I didn't want to shower but I probably should.
I grabbed a shirt and jeans.
It didn't matter what shirt I wore sense it'd be covered by my jacket.
I walked out of my room, trying to ignore the pain in my stomach.
I went into the bathroom and shut the door.
I locked it then turned the water on.
As the water warmed up, I began undressing.
I noticed that my stomach was bruised up pretty bad and my nose was as well.
I sighed as I got into the shower.
I stood in the shower as the warm water hit my bruises, slightly making them hurt more.
I quickly got my shower over with.
Once a I got out, I dried myself off, though with every movement caused me more pain.
I got dressed and decided not to brush my teeth or hair, sense my hair would be covered by my hat.
I slipped my jacket on and zipped it up then I put my hat on.
A few strands of my raven hair slipped out but I didn't care.
I sighed as I left the bathroom.
"Craig, come on! The bus is almost here!" I heard Ruby yell from downstairs.
I ran into my room and grabbed my phone and then ran downstairs and slipped my shoes on.
Ruby and I waited waited on the porch for the bus, a few moments later, I saw it coming down the road.
Once it stopped at our house, Ruby quickly got on while I took my time, not wanting to hurt myself more.
Once I got on, the doors shut behind me and I immediately felt people's eyes on me.
I sighed silently and walked to the back of the bus.
Two guys sat back there together.
One was wearing a green hat, a few curly red strands of hair stuck out in the front. He was also wearing a bright orange coat with green mittens.
He had green eyes that definitely stood out.
The other guy, who was sat next to him, wore a blue hat with a red puff ball on the top, similar to mine.
He wore a brown coat and red mittens.
He had brown eyes which seemed pretty bland in my opinion.
I saw a few black strands of hair hanging out of his hat.
I sat down on the far end, away from them, knowing they'll eventually bully me.
Ruby sat in one of the middle rows of the bus confidently.
Please just let this day go by quickly...


"We're here, everyone get off!" The bus driver yelled.
We all got up and got off of the bus, I was last.
As I got off of the bus, I saw a few parents dropping their kids off.
One of them caught my eye.
He had messed up blonde hair, green eyes similar to the boy that I saw on the bus and he wore a brown button up shirt, though it was buttoned up wrong.
He didn't bother to say anything to his parents and he dashed inside.
I went inside as well, knowing Ruby had already walked in.
When I walked in, saw her cautiously walking around.
I walked up behind her to scare her sense she seemed so alert.
I grabbed her shoulders lightly.
"Boo" I said and she let out a quiet gasp as she turned around quickly.
She sighed in relief as she saw me.
"Fuck you." She said as she flipped me off.
I flipped her off back, using both of my hands.
She rolled her eyes.
"Why were you being so cautious? Did you see that girl that you obviously like? Ya know? The one who walked by us yesterday?" I asked with a smirk.
"Huh? What? No!" She said defensively.
"Uh... huhhh. Sure." I replied.
She rolled her eyes once more.
"C'mon, lets go get our schedules and stuff." I said as I chuckled.
We made our way through the halls, not really knowing where the principals office was.
We were just trying to get by.
I saw a few people along the way.
Four guys, the two that I saw on the bus, one who was... slightly bigger than other classmates.
He had a blue hat on with a yellow puff ball thing on the top, he wore a red coat and he had yellow gloves.
He seemed to be going off about something to the other boy, who was wearing an orange parka.
He had his hood up and he also have a mask which covered his mouth.
Whenever he talked, the other three surprisingly knew what he said.
Well, I assumed, sense he said something and the boy in the green hat responded with "sick, dude!"
Ruby and I kept walking until we finally found the principals office.
I knocked on the door lightly.
I heard someone clear their throat.
"Come in, m'kay." I heard a voice say.
I opened the door and peeked in, seeing who I assumed was the principal sitting at his desk.
"Uh... hi... we're the two new students.." I said, nervousness is my tone.
"M'kay, come sit down and you'll get your schedules soon, m'kay?" He said as he gestured toward the two seats in front of him.
Ruby and I walked in the rest of the way, shutting the door behind us.
We sat down in the chairs as he rummaged through random papers.
"M'kay, So, Craig and Ruby, is it?" He asked.
"Yep..." I responded.
"M'kay, well, I'm Mr. Mackey. I'm your principal and school counselor so if you need anything, come to me, m'kay? here's your schedules, m'kay? They also have your locker combinations on them, m'kay?" He said as he handed us two papers.
Ugh, I have math first?
"Now be on your way, m'kay? Don't wanna be late to class on your first day, m'kay." He said, gesturing toward the door.
Ruby and I nodded to him and stood up to leave.
"Oh, by the way, m'kay, I assigned two people to show you around the school, m'kay? Ruby, a girl named Karen is gonna show you around, m'kay? M'kay, and Craig, a boy named Tweek is gonna show you around, m'kay?" Ruby and I nodded in response.
Once we walked out, Mr. Mackey made an announcement.
"Karen, Tweek, to the principals office. The two new students are waiting for you outside of my office." He said.
We decided to just wait there for them.
It didn't take long before we saw them.
One had dirty blonde hair that went down to her back.
She was wearing a green coat and she had some dirt on her face.
She had brown eyes which went with her appearance.
I caught Ruby's fave from the corner of my eye, she had turned red when she saw them walking over here.
I smirked at her and she flipped me off.
Once I looked to the other boy, I remembered him.
He was the one I saw when I got off of the bus.
They approached us with warm smiles.
"H-hi." The boy said, his hands shaking.
"I- uh... I-I'm T-Tweek Tweak And this is Karen McCormick." He said, gesturing to the other girl.
"I assume you're Craig and this is Ruby?" Karen asked me.
I nodded in response.
"S-so... Lets go show them around I guess..." Tweek said nervously, twitching a bit.
Honestly... he's kind of cute...
Wait, the hell? Stop it, Craig, you just met him.
Karen took Ruby off in one direction and Tweek took me in the other.
"So... Uh... How do you l-like South Park so f-far?" He asked, trying to strike up a conversation as we walked.
I shrugged.
A few moments later, we took a stop.
"These are the bathrooms, don't forget where they are. I made that mistake on my first day..." he said with a nervous smile.
"I'll note that." I said, following it up with a chuckle.
We continued walking, I was thinking of something to say to break the awkward silence between us, but he got to it first.
"What's your first class?" He asked.
I glanced at my schedule again.
"Math." I replied.
"Ah, that's my first class, too." He said.
"I'll show you where it is." He added.


It was the end of the day.
My first day of school went pretty well.
I didn't introduce myself to the class sense I didn't have to, I didn't get called on much and when I did I played it off like I wasn't listening and I made a new friend, Tweek.
The one person who seemed like he wouldn't hate me.
But, the day had some downsides.
I got made of for my voice by that one fatass I saw when I walked in.
He saw me walking with Tweek and then proceeded to call me gay and he said that my voice was weird because of sucking too much dick, how the hell would that even happen?
I was also swarmed with homework, Tweek offered to study with me but I told him he didn't have to.
In fact, as I walked out of the school, he was still insisting.
"Come onnn. It won't be that bad." He whined.
I didn't reply.
"I'll keep asking until you let meee." He said.
I sighed as I finally got done with his pleading.
"Fine. You can come to my house with me to study." I said.
"Finally! I'll text my parents once we get on the bus to tell them that they don't have to pick me up." He said excitedly.
We got on the bus and sat in the back, Ruby sat with Karen on the middle.
I guess they're friends now.
Tweek got his phone out and texted his parents, his words were all messed up sense he twitched a few times while typing.
But, autocorrect helped with that.
I didn't question the twitching.
It was just something that happened from time to time.
And honestly, it's pretty cute...
I heard a few people calling him "Twitchy".
Which he explained to me.
Apparently it's a nickname that one fatass gave him.
That guys just looking for trouble, isn't he?
We rode the bus the rest of the way in mostly silence, waiting to get to my house.

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